
Which means you aren’t a radical nutjob like this douche. Don’t worry, no one is attacking you

China. He dislikes people of color and would metaphorically felate Putin on command because he owes him so much money

I doubt it is. Haim claimed his abuser had targeted him “both on and off set” which would imply they worked together, and I don’t think Tom Hanks and Haim ever appeared in a film together

I can respect that. People like to think your job is easy.

So exactly like Donald Trump’s concept of investigation? 

I can’t help but feel like , if we were going to make a list like this in 5 to 10 years, the Steam Controller would end up on it for the same sorts of reasons as the Dreamcast controller. It definitely has its problems, and is garbage for certain types of games, but it those thumb pads are innovative and are the first

Any word on a Steam or PC release?

Everyone is supposed to be able to do that, but capitalism doesn’t like it and people are more and more being bullied, shamed or restricted from taking all their time

Ugh, I know. My supervisor shames the hell out of me for taking my time. I am supposed to get vacation and sick and am supposed to be able to flex my time if I work late as long as it is within the same pay period. She doesn’t mind so much if I take vacation time that has to be cleared with her by the end of February

Little known eleventh commandment:

Thou Shalt Not Take a Sick Day Unless Thou Art an Elected Official, because that’s a little different

Sick days are part of an employee’s compensation and an employee should take as many of them as he or she wants and should also have the option of banking them to take at a later date. I get that there are some restrictions employers put on them and that they aren’t vacation days, but lets not act like an employee who

It’s less to do with his presidential bid and more to do with the fact that he is a TV star. This woman would probably react the same if Honey Boo Boo touched her baby

I think you are making a lot of assumptions. I understand why Trump doesn’t want a moderator there to reign him in, but his overbearing, interrupting and generally disrespectful approach to the primary debates was actually a big advantage for him. For whatever reason, a not insignificant portion of the electorate

“And then there’s this guy. Well, I think it’s a guy from the picture, but it might be a girl with blood coming out her wherever. This guy on the internet, Hachi. Total lightweight. Total loser. Hachi said on the internet that I insult people. I don’t insult people. I tell the truth. I tell the truth folks. The system

The planets in No Man’s Sky are supposed to be, well, planet-sized

Boarding area for the lolita express more likely

Of course they are buddies going back to their days flying around on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express

You don’t understand. Sure, lots of athletes have genetic advantages, but this is different because it has to do with how we think about male and female and we think it’s icky and scandalous that Semnya’s body might raise questions about our scientifically tenuous and oppressive gender binary.

If we want to convince people that restorative justice and rehabilitation are better options than our current system, we need to show them how it makes all of us safer, not plead for compassion towards people who many still view as dangerous.

I was in college several years later than you and the attitudes were the same. I suspect nothing has changed since then either. Looking back there are ways in which I and my friends of all genders behaved in regards to intoxication and sex that we never would now because we are older and wiser and see how risky our