
Nope. Go pick it up yourself if you want it that bad

he can’t fully comprehend that stuff. He likes dinosaurs, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Transformers.”

The one that my wealthier donors support. Which is exactly what they did. HRC is more about bringing in money at this point than actual policy

Human brains are not fully developed until around 25 or so. We know, that 21 year olds tend to be bad at evaluating risks and making good decisions because their brains are still forming. That’s what science tells us at least. We also know that alcohol makes people bad at evaluating risks and making good decisions. So

To be fair, the people around her were probably all about her age, meaning their brains weren’t fully developed yet and they likely have trouble thinking about risks and responsible behavior. Plus they were probably drinking, which further impairs judgement

To a subset of politicians, “motherly” means “entirely up in and controlling of my daughter’s vagina.”

What a motherly thing to say

Never played Destiny, but that is hilarious

This is silly. Obviously every day is about cheese

The other thing about this kind of encounter and why it is personally important for men to really think about consent in a serious and critical way is that Dave will never know if he raped you.

The thing is no one can answer the question for you. You’re the only person who actually can ever know if you were raped.

I don’t understand, if Hillary Clinton was able to fund her own campaign, who would tell her what her positions should be? How would she know what policies she supports?

newsflash! most kids have seen boobs before

The thing is, some of them probably did

I’m sure your son is wonderful, and I know people are going to get holier than thou and jump down my throat for saying this, but I have to say that my parents probably would have said the same thing about me when I was around that age. People who knew me at the time probably generally thought I was the sweetest and

As others have pointed out, many bodegas in Brooklyn use a bullet proof glass system at night, especially outside the wealthy parts you can see on TV. Even my rapidly gentrifying neighborhood still does this. At some point after sundown, the exact time depending on store policy, the doors are locked, the gate is put

I’m not sure what you mean. It is a fact that there are currently very few white people in Brownsville. It is a fact that that a lot of bodegas still use bullet proof glass in parts of Brooklyn, especially at night. It is conjecture that a bodega worker might develop a habit of ignoring hysterical people sure, but it

God I really hope they’ve got the right kids this time

Alright, I wasn’t going to say anything, but since they seem to be on to us I might as well let the cat out of the bag.

Except, assuming it was functioning directly, the only time you’d need to worry about the position would be before sex. I imagine that the point would be that it would be switched on all of the time, but then you’d switch it off shortly before you anticipated copulation.