
Actually, I don’t think it has anything to do with rape at all. It is included in a document that also tells performers they can only smoke 20 feet from the building and to keep the noise down because there are other people working in the armory.

I suspect that not exploring the building isn’t so much about the risk of sexual assault and more about the fact that it is a large old building and portions might not be in the best repair

I think the point is that they had guidelines before, but they are attempting improve them after the recently raised safety concerns

You know what? I actually feel kind of bad for Candy Carson. Her husband makes up unbelievable stories all the time that have just enough truth to them to make you wonder and she tends to believe them because she loves and trusts him. Considering all of the crazy stuff he has said publicly, imagine the stories he must

One time Ben Carson was in a local Popeye’s organization when a fire broke out. He thought he was going to die, but he used his leadership skills to rally the other customers to rush into the flames in an attempt to smother them. Then the fire noticed who he was while everyone was burning and was like “are you that

He used a bobby pin

I believe that the term extremist is defined as someone who hold extreme views, which these people clearly do. Anybody who believes that convicting people of arson because they started fires on someone elses property represents tyranny is an extremist. Their competence or intelligence or the level of threat they may

This is probably true in general.

You know you are commenting on an article with a title that reads, in part “Beth Stelling’s Alleged Rapist Defends Himself on Facebook” right?

So they’ve done VII, VIII and now IX. Does that mean I’ll be playing Blitzball on my laptop in a few years? Cause if so, I am down.

The answer for the best Fallout game ever is obvious. It’s Undertale

Ok great. Have they said anything about the Halo 5 server issues?

People are bringing it up because it is factual that there is horrible and crazy stuff in the Bible that is used to justify contemporary atrocities yet you still don’t believe it.

? Because lots of people think their shit don’t stink and Muslims are supervillains who should be persecuted? I would have thought that would be self explanatory.

But thinking is so haaard

No one? Not the fundamentalist cults that say a woman can’t be raped by her own husband?

Ugh. This is beyond gross, but not historically unprecedented.

Time to go get drunk.


Unfortunately, in the modern climate, we pretty much always need the /s tag