
Haven’t seen Election Daze, but it sounds like an eminently Stan Lee kind of idea to me. It’s an old Stan Lee formula that dates back to occasional experiments in the 60s like Monsters to Laugh With. The boom for this kind of material was the 70s when Lee and Marvel published a number of magazines which contained news

CA’s infamous AI problems

I’m fairly certain that is objectively not true unless something has changed in the past couple months. It certainly wasn’t true over the summer and fall when both Trump and Sanders were easily outdrawing Clinton at campaign events and I can’t find any source that suggests that has changed

Wow. I think this is literally the first time I’ve seen anyone express any enthusiasm for voting for Hillary. Most of us are just resigned to having to vote for her to protect the Supreme Court and Obamacare

No way Rand Paul and Hillary Clinton are friends. Rand doesn’t have enough money to give her.

Not just because he would be freaked out over the fact that women have a menstruation cycle, but because he would have absolutely no idea how to find a Walgreens or Duane Reade to do that in. He probably has literally never been in a place that would sell tampons or midol

Best birthday month is August actually. There are never any other commonly recognized holidays in August so birthdays that month function as a useful excuse to get drunk/goof off that would otherwise be sorely lacking. Without August birthdays all we’d have is the very rare Ramadan or Eid al-Fitr, 4th string holidays

A little off topic, but I wouldn’t be averse to Blood Gulch being updated again updated for Halo 5. Works so well for a lot of Arena modes and could make a decent Warzone map with some tweaks. Lengthen the whole map a bit, put the two cores in a bit behind the existing bases, make the existing bases East and West

In Chris Christie’s world, this is what bathrooms should look like:

That is accurate. #3 is BUDGET!

I usually make people fill out questionnaires and see a medical doctor and/or psychologist I bring with me to verify their gender. Sometimes I waive the consultation with the medical professional and accept a note from their doctor. Occasionally I call their loved ones, you know, if I am suspicious that they don’t

Most hipster artisan restaurants have single stall bathrooms anyways. Go poop wherever, just lock the door

“The fact though is that we want our kids not to have to decide which bathroom they get to go in. And not to be subject to peer pressure about which one to go in. And not to be subject to the embarrassment that could come with going in a bathroom where somebody maybe doesn’t agree that they should be in there or not,”

I’m psyched that I can now do a complete playthrough of all of the Halo campaigns on my Xbox One.

Are all of the zelda fans shackled to a radiator?

“Best ever” is also an inherently subjective qualification. It is totally dependent on the time frame when you ask it. If we did this poll 20 years earlier, there’d probably be some Atari era games on the list that aren’t even considered now (Space Invaders, Pac Man, Donkey Kong?) and if we did it 20 years later,

I’ve never played Undertale, or even heard of it. It sounds awesome though and, while I remember loving Ocarina of Time when I was a kid, I don’t know if I’d think it was the best game ever. Plus, as a life long member of the SJW conspiracy to crush white men’s testicles, I automatically support anything that gets

Not me, idiots who would post that have long been weeded out of my newsfeed

But Planned Parenthood is evil! They must be intentionally sending fetal remains to landfills because they hate fetuses!!!!!!!1!!!!

Well, looks like I will be having too much wine at the company Christmas party in a couple hours.