
I had to read that bit multiple times. A “tall white blonde” is exotic? In a party for music industry people and pro sports players, you called a “tall white blonde” exotic, as if that wasn’t literally the stereotypical appearance of every single woman that men in those positions gravitate to?

She insisted on rapping, but she was shit at it. And she got coaching and mentoring from plenty of experienced, talented people, and after years of that she was still shit at it. Vocals can be manipulated in pop songs to make up for lack of musicality and talent. That doesn’t work for rap. If she was talented she

I see what you did there, and I like it.

I am really hoping that we at least get to see that scene next week. If they’re going to exploit Lee’s racism for drama then the least they could do is show the black contestants calling it out and pushing back.

Doll guy is there because if they kick him off he might take the doll and then they can’t do the amazing Where’s Waldo shots of AJ. Those shots are my third favorite thing about this season, coming after Rachel and Copper.

I also suspect Rachel’s interview must have been after the Rose Ceremony, or at least after she was told she had to keep Lee. The discussion of her race, the expectations placed on her, and the criticism she expected to receive, and saying “Nobody knows what this is like” makes a lot more sense if they’re said in

Holy shitsnacks, she’s wearing boots with normal-height heels? That’s exciting!

Because it actually ends up costing you less in the long run. A healthier populace means a stronger economy, and an insured populace means fewer massive unpaid medical bills that eventually cost taxpayer money and drive up prices.

She is CHOICE.

I dunno how to feel about her. She’s propped up and propagated his bullshit for him. At the same time, he’s a total ruthless shit towards anyone who he feels is disloyal, no matter how close they are to him. She’s got no family or assets of her own in the USA and even before he was POTUS he’s always ignored the law

West has done a lot of silly bullshit, but I feel bad for him. He’s clearly struggling with some form of mental illness. While his celebrity provides him the money for treatment, it also impedes his willingness to get it (and the willingness of those around him to encourage him to get it).