Cheaters always think everyone cheats- every thief will tell you that everyone steals...
Cheaters always think everyone cheats- every thief will tell you that everyone steals...
My brother married very old money, and it’s helped him make lots of money of his own. His in-laws and he value intellectualism, organic eating, and diversity — all that great liberal stuff! Until their own personal money is involved. Then all liberal values are off the table.
The estate tax thing is my personal “WTF”? It only affects the super rich, and even then they still get $5 million per parent in the clear. If you can’t make a go at it with that, you suck and need to lose. And the whole bootstraps bullshit should definitely apply here for conservatives.
Guess he needed backup these days so he won’t get knocked out again
That’s really really true if 1.) you marry the wrong person and/or 2.) your both not equally committed to working on the marriage together.
ahaha! Read your comment and the webcomic just as my little ball of unique sun and shine began shredding my thigh with his special little claws!
I hate those studies because it sounds like everybody’s loins wither after a year! Passion changes; it’s impossible to maintain that white-heat “wanna kiss your face off” craziness of hormonal surging and still keep a job or eat. But that doesn’t mean your partner suddenly becomes a troll—your attraction to them…
Riley is the Heart of this Captain Planet montage.
I’m sitting next to a hospital bed containing my father. He’s been fighting lung cancer, and last week really started struggling to breathe. He waited until his regular chemo appointment to get any attention for it. Oncologist sent him straight to the ER, where he ended up being admitted.
Just a circle of life thing but I trapped a feral knocked up kitty a couple weeks ago and I’m super close to having homes for all her kittens. They are total cute stickers and would have probably drowned if they had been born outside. It was a lucky thing I got their slutty mom when I did.
My mom has colon cancer, as of Wednesday. I can’t really reconcile my feelings about this.
I sat for many years on the board of directors for a non-profit that helps men who are victims of abuse. I’ve met many, many experts and super competent health care providers, and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that while suicide rates, education gaps, and economic challenges are real, it has fuck all to…
A lot of state medical schools don’t train students to perform abortions. They’re barred from doing so.
I’m feeling upbeat about American politics for the first time since the election. The protests gave me life, but with the Comey debacle, I’m genuinely convinced Trump is not going to last the four years. If they do decide to cut the cord with Donald, the GOP is going to have a civil war in its hands which will make…
I’m still in school, but this is sort of career-related and I don’t know where else to share it: I got rejected by a summer program at Princeton University. The instructors are writers/reporters for various big news outlets, and the program supposedly helps place alumni in journalism internships once they’re in…
Totally right.
Really, this situation is ridiculous. Choice is the law of the land; sneaking into clinics feels like the current version of back alleys. Abortions should be freely performed in every hospital in every state. Why does it feel as though we are condemned to be singled out as slutty sluts and have to traverse a gauntlet.
My mother apparently met someone and moved in with him about a year ago. She’s 64. They’ve got two dogs and half a dozen VW Bugs now.