
Indeed. “45 was convicted of high treason, Pence was booted and now scrapes by modeling leather jackets ‘for the older gentleman,’ Steve Bannon choked to death on the ammonia fumes from his unwashed briefs, Kellyanne Conway is in rehab for an eating disorder, and James Comey is working mall security after President

This is like one of those videos that plays in the background of 1990's scifi action movies.

And, because they see these images of unnecessary forgiveness and unmitigated compassion in the face of complete tragedy, the American racist power structure can attempt to use these images as evidence of the socially proper responses to ANY AND ALL horrific acts committed against black folk.

Thanks for that. What good is forgiveness when forgiveness is deemed the only option? It allows those without a conscience, those without empathy, those who aspire to power through violence, to achieve their selfish ends at the expense of those who will always determine, in the end, that all they can do is “forgive.”

You present a false spectrum — from more forgiving on one end to more vengeful on the other. One can decline to forgive and still not harbor an iota of vengefulness. Justice is not revenge. The relatives of Mr. Godwin can demand the justic be served under the law without be vengeful people. The sort of forgiveness I

Because it’s two guns on a single frame. The bolt-action segment is a magazine fed bolt-action .222 meant for shooting the hardier Replicants, while the primary revolver it’s fitted two is a .38 revolver meant for dealing with human targets. The .222 is too powerful for use against a soft human target, and the .38 is

I don’t, but then again he doesn’t need anything from me.

Pictured: Poorly done Danish tribute to Ratt - Round and Round

It’s a Republican’s dream: Being able to say they bought and read the entirety of a best seller without actually having to read anything. Brilliant marketing, really.

>the founding fathers also thought black people and woman were property. there’s nothing that throws me into a blind rage like the deification of our founding fathers.

It’s still early enough that a good chunk of those were probably booked before 45 was in place...

The people buying this book are probably the same twits who bought French wine and poured it into the gutter in the run-up to the Iraq War. They truly understand getting owned.

But, but.... mah deterrence!

I was thinking that she said this because they haven’t caught him yet when in reality she’s like “He’s a fucking psychopath, I hope they kill him.”

He could still be on the hunt for her, her family and friends. I hope this what it is because... come on now.

PeteRR: All I am saying is, we have to do it because of something else. Let’s forget about talking about whether or not we actually have to do it. Did you know about these rules we have? Except that time I smoked pot, I wasn’t in rule discussing mode then. Or when I drove my car over the speed limit. When that was

You can see how Spicer has grown up and changed over the years!

Hello, this is Vincent Price. You should know the grave could never tame me. If you are calling about the missing feet, leave your address and the replacement feet will be rushed to you by my grandson, Jody. And now I must return to the sweet embrace of the crypt, but I’ll be back.”

The worst part is the lack of Bovril.

This Minecraft porn is teeeeerrribbbllee.