
Ugh, Pinkham. Wasn’t he the one bodyshaming tall women too?

jinni saves the day!

Are these free snakes gluten free?

Jesus, this should be so fucking embarrassing for them!

Yeah, but in that howard stern thing he implied himself there were others :(

Damn, I hate that I share something in common with Anne Coulter.

He also managed to deduce it wasn’t a “phase” in a whole 21 years on this earth. This genius was really looking at the big picture *eyeroll*

God damn.

Excellent analysis.

Uh, I can see two posts by you, above and below this one I’m commenting on.

Lukas Xavier linked it in a reply to me.

Great username!

Yes that’s the one, thanks.

I tell ya, as a libtard there’s nothing that would anger me more. I would be so offended. Triggered even!

I believe there’s a blog called “When women say no” or something like that which keeps track of this stuff.

Yes conservatives, take a stand... by taking the cowards way out.

As vexing as it is, you’re probably right. There was that research a while back that found conservatives react much more emotionally to political insults than liberals. We both throw stuff back and forward, but they’re the ones who hold a grudge over it and let themselves be ruled by it.

I think most of the other countries in the region have their own muslim minorities that the administration/majority dislike. So they probably would rather foster a culture of non-interference.

Developer name is appropriate.

Ugh, so many layers of shittyness.