How about people can enjoy spending time with someone who wants to fuck them without being ready to go that far yet.
How about people can enjoy spending time with someone who wants to fuck them without being ready to go that far yet.
Look at them eyes!
Lol, reading the start of this comment I somehow thought you were talking about the crush!
Don’t know, maybe they’re doped up on nip?
Oh. Better call in the professionals then!
Try our new Cat Buttholes and Human Sweat !
Let’s try to bump this one up...
I mean, if he wants to act like part of the family maybe you could start casually mention how recent/upcoming legislation will negatively affect your family. Don’t even tie it into trump. Let him make that connection himself. I doubt anything remotely confrontational will work with someone making that kind of comment.
That sounds really tough. Is there something else you could occupy them with? LIke, I don’t know, reorganising a massive box of photos in the basement or something.
Could it have been stuck between the treads of your shoes maybe?
It seems like they like to post it after everything else is posted. I guess the bosses have them cranking out more regular conent as late as possible these days.
Dude, I normally like you and your comments...but this is a little cringy. You can continue to participate in the commenting threads while being grey! Plenty of us do, it’s not the end of world.
Well done to you.
This is so fucked up :(.
OMG I didn’t read the title and I did not know wtf was going on in this cute-sleepy-otter video for a minute! Quality fluff towards the end tho.
Otters are supposedly pretty obnoxious, disgusting creatures,
Not non-existant. But I only know one woman who’s been harassed by a trans woman.
Wow. I’ve seen this a few times that people post the photo something was drawn over. How do you manage it?! Do you just happen to recognise it or is there like a reverse-image-search type site you use for it?
I had that book in my hands at the library recently. Something about the cover boasting of how controversial it was put me off. I’m glad to hear I wasn’t missing much!