
That all sounds like prohibition, until we get to the first half of your last sentence. “a marketplace is dictating what kinds of products will and will not be available on their platform” There’s no forbidding happening there. There’s no action being taken to stop the product being sold. It’s passive inaction. It’s

Uh, isn’t prohibiting something to stop someone from doing it, or forbid it from happening? They’re not doing that. Just saying that they themselves won’t do it.

Right but, is he actually encouraging them to do that? If so then fair point, I’m happy to admit you’re right. But you’re talking about “treat[ing] him the same”, when it’s not the same. If the fans were raging on their own channels and blogs it would be the same.

Hunting rifles too afaik, just less common. I think David Bird used one.

Are those supposed to be ghost hands or is it just badly shopped?

I don’t know why some rando is taking out his bad mood on you but your comment is fine.

Hmm, does he go directly to developers and rage on their comments sections though? I don’t actually know, but I’m presuming not. Seems like there’s a difference.

I’d laugh too.

I think it’s possible. Tech is improving all the time. Who knows what kind of fancy shaders and algorythms will be invented.

This is why it annoys me when I see those dumbasses saying “Divorce rates were lower in my day because we WORKED on our marriages instead of just leaving”. For plenty of people that work meant putting up with years of abusive shit, and hoping the spouse had a fucking personality transplant.

So they go to dinner alone, without the kid, to demonstrate to the kid they get along? Seems like they could both just take the kid for icecream together or whatever, rather than something kinda date-like where the kid can’t actually see them get along.

That does sound exhausting. It’s fine to want a break from it. And it’s not like you unfriended him.

That’s tough :(.

That is a very good present.

Haha if you get it on the thigh careful where the eyes end up looking!

Gah, creepy as hell. All I can think is he wants you to know his ‘excuse’ for whatever shit he put you through in the past(I’m kinda presuming here).

Only 2/3?!

This film is so unrealistic.... a successful illustrator at 20 years old?!

Nice! Maybe the dark leg sections could have more obvious rust/dirt? Thye look a bit flat/plain. Bur very faithful overall.