This one just confused me. It’s so bizarre!
This one just confused me. It’s so bizarre!
Whoa there, the NH state legislature has 28% women. They’re practically in charge! No wonder redpill dude is feeling so hard done by.
And for some reason the next question isn’t “OK, what was the context and why does that excuse it?”.
Ok watched half the first season, you’re right, it’s very good.
Here’s to Mississippi.
I still can’t believe the FBI classified them as a gang, gives them way more street cred than they deserve...
It also makes no sense. Why would ‘fake’ news talk about something technically not fake!
Thank you, it was pretty terrible for a while (still get nightmares) but worked out okay in the end. Hope you’re feeling well enough too!
I still find that one hilarious even if it is depressing.
There’s not many people I’d wish misery on. When people gloat about trump voters losing their healthcare I can’t usually bring myself to join in. But her father. That. Fucking. Asshole. Sweet jesus I fervently hope he gets a painful and debilitating condition. What an absolute bastard.
Seemed more like blaming those clueless white health-professionals or media who were under-servicing/representing POC with eating disorders. I just can’t see a reason for the reader to interpret that as a criticism all of white America.
Listening on youtube rn, lot of nostalgia songs being recommended!
Yep, white people not included in the term POC afaik. But them not being in the group supposedly under-serviced by the eating-disorder professionals doesn’t equate to them being blamed as a whole for that under-servicing.
Filed to: Like the deserts miss the rain. lol
I’m guessing they were period stained, bought dirt cheap from hostels or slum landlords or whoever supplies them. You know there will be someone with warehouses of shitty furniture from debt collectors and such for selling on to providers of shitty accommodation.
Kinda reminds me of when there were those new-years rapes by foreign men in Cologne, Germany. Big protests afterwards, talk of new or updated legislation. Good stuff! Some positive changes made afaik. But the thousands of other rapes every year across the country? A weirdly smaller proportion of people had seemed…
Dude, you’re on a website network where generally the overall philosophy is that folk (so the country in this case) should try to help out those who are in bad situations, this can’t have escaped your attention. Of course that philosophy would extend to people with eating disorders! And I don’t see an implication in…