
I especially liked how party-parrot kept looking across like “C’mon dude, don’t you see it’s dancin’ time?!”

He said “they don’t care about you”. Maybe he expected the non-whites to shower him or his family in gratitude for what his grandfather did, and was enraged when they did not.

I’m curious, where does the backlog of articles come from? Do you guys import them form your old site or do you prepare a backlog in advance?

I was reading this article thinking “wait, isn’t this a rule hardline Muslims have?”. Ol Pence has something in common (probably a lot of things actually) with his foes!

Yeah fuck it til then

I think I’ve just gotta set up an auto-star macro on your posts.

We are kids, we think life is a scam
We come from wasted land
We are kids, we play punk rock and roll
If we didn’t we got no soul
We are different kids with the same heartbeat
We got one pulse running through the streets
They are our arteries
I am part of this

These are blurred out due to greyness, but shame on you for posting aborted fetus pics!

Clever indeed :)

Happiest times of my fucking life, praying it comes round again someday!

Yeah it does seem like her face should have been blurred/covered at least if it’s going on a public page.

Yeah I thought refuting rather than denying required actual proof.

Dude, “sucked off” and these guys in the same one wants that image.

I remember reading about some white-supremacist asshole who apparently had his mind completely blown when he went to Iraq in the army and met black people with British accents.


Not to mention shit like the new thing where they want to make protesters pay for protesting.

Ugh. There was some celebrity chef recently who said the same thing. He was caught paying his workers less than min wage (ridiculously expensive restaurant too), so he brought up how poor he was when he was young. No one cares fucker, break the cycle instead of being a bitter millionaire.

Why am I not surprised...

Even as a kid the selkie stories seemed so messed up.

Thanks for the link. Wow.