
Because....gasp...Pelosi said it! 

the notion that Republicans and others are working with the Russian government to undermine our elections, keep Trump in power, etc. etc. when McConnell and his party have been undermining elections quite effectively without Trump for years!

Alexi Lalas stuck in an impossible-to-defend position? what are the fucking odds

“Political malpractice” is perfect. Who the fuck would give up a nickname at the peak of its offensiveness to its target? SMDH.

The Bidens have that one wrapped up, thanks to a billion dollars and alliteration.

How’s about “Moscow Bitch?”


“It embodies everything I hate about the great RUSSIA freakout”

Nah. Use the nickname that gets under his skin. Etmm, shell. It's fine. It's an apt name. Moscow Mitch can continue to carry it. He's fucking our election security and our national security, so he can just wear it.

Most political nicknames are dumb. But it makes a good soundbite, and it’s stuck, so it’d be political malpractice to abandon it while it still has use.

How in the blue hell can you lose money on something like this? Free coffee and beer aside, you shouldn’t have to be a mathematician to be able to figure out how to charge rent and utilities accordingly while still making a profit.

I get that the market isn’t going up but people think it is because they hear it from Trump and his surrogates.  They also ignore that despite the fact that unemployment is very low, jobs are not paying living wages and while most people are employed, they are still having trouble making ends meet.

Ok, take him out of the equation. He’s an outlier that draws a ton of deserved vitriol for his past hunting travels. That aside, you have people that would rather eat the meat they hunt than some prepackaged meat from the grocery store. To assume that factory meat is better tobhave because it’s more “readily available”

That’s a wonderfully privileged take you got there. Hunting for food is actually a good thing and keeps plenty of people fed either through their own efforts or donating the meat to food banks. Not everyone can go down the block want shop for the latest in factory farmed cow and chicken.

That looks like it belongs in an 80s movie depicting the 2000s. 

This is actually a huge problem and is not what you think. I’m all for making things right and helping solve anyones website issues who is impaired or disabled. But I’m part of a small company in NYC, who didn’t have the means to fully integrate our business site to have the text read out loud. The people who are

If you’re interested, I work in web compliance, and the Domino’s website accessibility case is more complicated than “Big pizza corporation says screw the handicapped.”

Either way they rule the internet will be in trouble. Given the number of cases of ADA trolls in cities, just imagine if they can go after every single webpage that doesn’t meet compliance and threaten to sue the creator. You will be left with only the most generic websites. The cost of making a website visually

God, why can’t this toxic asshole fall into a river and drown like Narcissus did?

Trump is a fucking moron who thinks he’s always the smartest guy in the room. So he thinks everyone else is dumber than him and refuses to listen to anyone. How many times does Trump say he is his own best advisor? It sure seems like Bolton may be on his way out too, at least I hope so.