
God. I have it in my car.  SO BAD

Just like Ford's Sync.

Any one else hate the Sonos app? Controlling spotify through the app is a huge pain.

This is the problem with both the media and blogs like this. They largely accepted Barr’s interpretation of the report before the report was even released. After creating a false impression of what was in the report, they then want Democrats to correct their mistake in explaining to the public about the crimes the

It’s a cult. No amount of talking about income inequality or healthcare plans or abortion compromises or anything will get these people out of the cult. They are lost. They will call us socialists and race traitors and baby killers no matter what. Fight for the people not in the cult with bold policies and by speaking

Really doubling down on that whole “using Jews as a shield for racist authoritarian politics” tactic huh? Not sure that’s going to end as well as the GOP hopes. Even members of the establishment Jewish groups that tend to be politically risk-averse and willing to condone anti-Muslim hate seem to be getting antsy. Not

“Look at what you made me do.”

He’s working Pelosi over? This is a huge political gift to Pelosi. Pelosi made a huge, unforced error belittling these four, and the news cycle was all about the resulting Democratic infighting. Now, the cycle is all about Trump’s racism, and Democrats are basically united again. This is not Trump getting one over on

On avoiding Rafa on clay: Admittedly, I am biased toward Fed....but I have always said that much of the narrative around this rivalry hinges on whether or not Federer is good enough on clay to advance far enough to lose to Nadal. I would love to see how people talked about Federer and this rivalry if he had been like

Love your tennis coverage, Giri. I’m not really seeing how Nadal being difficult to finish was so noteworthy, though. As you said, it looked like Federer was being a little too cautious while trying to close it out and Nadal hammered some mistakes. He’s really, really good. That’s what really, really good tennis

Carroll sounds absolutely believable in both the context of her situation, the fallout, and the warnings folks gave her. I would not doubt her in the least, and I would carry that flag.

How I envision this went:

But just look at the hooting piglets in red hats who still line up to devour his slop. They are a threat to all good and decent people.

Trump had a major advantage in 2016 that he doesn’t have in 2020 - lack of a record. Given the anti-establishment mood the country is in, Trump was the ultimate outsider - a guy with a shitload of money that wasn’t in politics. That resonated with a lot of people. Now he’s the President, with a real record to run

Sanctions. Quid pro quo, Clarice.

Also, how exactly does this make them any different from the R members who are like “I don’t believe he said that thing that he totally said and if he did, he didn’t mean it”?

Cool, but at 10, I was already discovering the joy of “free soloing.”

Kamala Harris is running for Attorney General, with an option to run for President again in 8 years.

Not the “high percentage shot,” Hubie. Just poke me in the eye.