
Personally—and I’m being judgy—I just want to know what’s up with that horrible little fauxtee dude’s got going on.

I cannot grow thick facial hair on my cheeks, much to my chagrin—I’ve love to have a full beard. I can, however, grow in a full goatee—mustache connected to beard, as was intended.

The shit that dude’s got

Cuomo and Todd are two of the most incompetent, overpaid, useless cable news personalities out there (not counting Fox News, of course). I’m yet to see a tv host more unlikable than Chris Cuomo.

I miss Tim Russert

I legit can’t fucking believe Laser Swords is ungreyed and I’m not.

Meanwhile half a dozen GOP members, egged on by Rush, Hannity and Ingraham, will make comments today about how AOC or Ilhan Omar are terrorists determined to destroy the American way of life, before lunchtime.

We should remember that Eichmann was horrible mostly as a result of his job. His job made him do some things that were unpalatable, but he had no choice but to do them.

Cayman. It’s named after an alligator.

The purpose is to overwhelm resources, even the biggest cities have only so many resources to help these poor people. 

Well no one in their right mind will compare this ugly and proportioned thing to the GT, which is one of the most amazing looking cars today.

Based entirely on alleged conversations between a journalist and his source

Wikileaks and Assange are two different things.

He also was against the release of the Panama Papers and criticized their release as “Putin bashing”

Exactly. The fuck I can’t support freedom of the press without supporting Assange.


Hmmmm, it appears that your headline is wrong because I actually can support a free press while also supporting the arrest of Julian Assange. As your own website notes, he was working with Manning to actively crack passwords and subvert security to gain access to sensitive documents. This is blatantly illegal and

Assange’s disclosures were messy, they made a lot of powerful people mad, and there’s a compelling case that some of then did cause harm.

I’d normally be inclined to agree. In 2016 he released the DNC emails. Then claimed to have the RNC emails but decided not to release them because he said there was nothing good in there.

Look, everyone, I am not saying that William Barr engaged in sexual intercourse with multiple dolphin partners repeatedly while on vacation last summer.  I’m just concerned about it, and I’m looking into it.  That’s all.

Democrats need to stop fucking around with these people. No “it’s only been 4 months” will pass muster anymore. Republicans are ramping up their obstruction efforts and will not slow down due to the fact that they have no one directly challenging them with subpoenas or threats to defund.

So, according to the GOP, when the Democrats are in power in the White House they use institutions like the DOJ and FBI to destroy the lives of decent and honorable Republicans.