
Somebody on this site finally explained how contempt of Congress citations and subpoenas get enforced if the Justice Department is not willing, and I was cheered to learn that the Capitol Police or the D.C. Police do it.

Worth highlighting that she called liberals “the actual racists ... actually the trolls” after joining up with freaking Cernovich and Milo.

I’m also interested in the instigator(s). She didn’t just roll up and crash the party; that’s not how it works. Congressional hearings are not Diddy’s All White Party in the Hamptons.

Seriously, everybody should read her bio. She became a conservative because she tried to create a website for people to dox their enemies with, ran a Kickstarter campaign for it, got criticized and doxxed herself, then joined up with freaking Milo and Mike Cernovich after they defended her.

Louis Goehmert, Gym Jordan, and Mark Meadows yelling about “hate hoax”es was a problem before you had ever heard of Jussie Smollett or Empire.

He likes to own it when talking to his base. They think they're in on the secret when he lies that Obama did it. There's no way to gain ground with his supporters or with him and his team of white nationalists. 

I know it’s almost impossible to keep up with Trump in realtime, but damn, they were really close to having him pinned over the ridiculous Obama/Trump comparison

To me fine: redact away for the general public, we’ll see the real shit in about 25-50 years. But Congress isn’t the damn public - they’re supposed to see some shit we normally don’t get to see and it’s in the Constitution that they’re supposed to be a check on the Executive Branch. Hand the shit over in full, let

They are coming like it’s a picnic, because ‘let’s go to Disneyland.’

Your administration oversaw the internment of children into those cages, irrespective of whomever they were built by—and your DHS, led by your own hand-picked leadership (which you’ve now rotated out at the behest of the middle-aged racist cue ball constantly shadowing your every step) defended that internment until

“another hate hoax?”

I had a good chunk of change on Texas Tech and was pretty bullshit when this all went down.

Yes, it was ridiculous. That play happens 5-10 times a game and is always called off of the defender. The need to scrutinize the replay to that degree in the final minute to see if it touched or rolled off the offensive player’s hand is asinine. An obvious bad call should be reversed, but it’s pretty clear that wasn’t

“Hey, no fair! You can’t tweet untrue things to fire up your audience! Only WE get to do that!”

Kyle Guy grew up a die hard Indiana fan and his dream was to play there.  After being named Mr. Basketball by the IndyStar Tom Crean still felt he couldn’t play in the B10.  

The interminable reviews are destroying the enjoyability of the game in key moments. I don’t mind a quick review, but put a shot clock on the refs. If you can’t tell who hit the ball out after 25 seconds then the call stands. Basketball is inherently subjective, and there are calls that COULD be made on literally

Remember that Kyle Guy has one more national title and one more MOP award than Zion. And Nike didn’t even have to pay him to go to UVA.

Not only that, but Guy also yanked his shoulder back and caused him to slow down/stumble before the deflection, a clear foul on the replay they showed while determining posession on the out-of-bounds.

As someone who regularly tips 20% because I want to, I think it’s stupid to say that everyone should be tipping 20%. 15% used to be the standard, and one of the benefits of tipping a percentage is that tips naturally rise with inflation. Increasing the % of a tip every few years makes no sense when dealing with coast