
The Alpha in the Forever Red team-up in Wild Force was referred to as Alpha 7. 

oh wow, a slideshow made up of links to other articles.

Film critics about this movie:

Me, the target audience, waking up in the morning: “AAAAH! After 30 years, I’m old! It’s time to pay my taxes!”

My guess is the ultimate villain will be Tuvix.

I thought the reveal of how Jack and Picard’s previous encounter on Earth lead to Jack not wanting to connect with him was very well done. It was very believable how Picard could say something incredibly hurtful without even knowing he did it.

I’ve enjoyed Shaw’s character up to this episode, but this episode made me love him.  Just perfect.  More Shaw please.

And Miles’s story only continued on 616 because he happened to be carrying a week-old (or years-old depending on perspective) cheeseburger that he could give to Molecule Man. My absolute favorite scene from Secret Wars.

It’s a shame that these people have some of the best healthcare packages you can get and they’re not even bothering to get the mental health help they need.

Came here to say this lolol

This. Way to show you’re not really into the comic or the show by proofreading/fact checking your own article

“One of the things Peter & I were aware of when we took the job as heads of DC Studios was a certain minority of people online that could be, well, uproarious & unkind, to say the least,” he wrote in the statement.

Banana for scale:

Only if you are dumb or immature.

I just wish they’d bring in Sean Pertwee to play the 3rd, even if just a scene. He looks at least as much like his Dad as Bradley looks like the 1st.

This is one of the most obnoxious, bloodthirsty, self-righteous articles I’ve read on here. This almost rivals the Ellie Kemper fiasco for ‘AV Club author desperately reaches to impugn artist’s character’ vibes.

gonna be the annoying pedantic comics fan to say 1) Kate Bishop is a Young Avenger, not a Champion and 2) the Champions don’t “become” the Young Avengers as the YA precede the current version of the Champions by a decade

What’s even more intriguing is that Riri will be the fifth member of the Marvel comics team The Champions—later known as the Young Avengers

All the new hosts on AOTS were gold. The chemistry Kass had with Kevin and Fi was next level. I hope Vibe Check, or something like that, lives on somewhere. I need Fi, Kass, Gina and Nessa iny life after knowing them for the last year.

Dang, poor Jirard though. He literally got his college dream job and not too long afterward it all went up in smoke a year later, that really sucks.