
No matter how much Mikey Day seems to improve, I can never not see David Blaine Street Magic whenever I see him anywhere in media.

Even though I figured it out by the time I got the birds to Queens, the end of the Howard mission kinda wrecked me and I had to stop playing for the night.

“ ... you guys don’t have to pester me about it.”

You’re likely going to be waiting a while, since the original didn’t hit PC until last summer (just under 4 years).

In this particular version, yes. But with the exception of Judi Dench as M, the Craig movies were their own self-contained 5-film continuity. So, the next time around, that could all change.

I haven’t unlocked it yet, if it is there, but Scarlet I and III are in this game, and a fun part of this is that you can also unlock 3 other color variations of most of these costumes. Right now I’m rocking Iron Spider in a Blue/Gold/Black scheme and it’s really cool. You can also do the Black and Gold Iron Spider.

Y’all left out the Sega Dreamcast.

To be fair, the Ultimate Universe had made a comeback years ago, albeit quietly. Maker (aka Ultimate Reed Richards) had been trying to return to it for a while and ultimately succeeded. And it was featured in the first Spider-Men crossover.

So, like what Rios had on the Sirena.

Hi, Bob!

I mean, I’d go “The Wrestler” era...

And how much she wants to sleep with Jim Kirk, of course.

The lack of Tom Segura on this list is astonishing.

Well, not Sam Neill, if you watched the first episode.

Well, it wasn’t just Wilson, it was a team. But yes, she was created as a Mutant. But Fox still had film rights to the X-Men and at the time with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and their introduction of the Inhumans that was meant to more or less make them the MCU version of Mutants before Disney got Fox and the Mutants back.

Nah. That book came out yesterday, and she wasn’t shown lol. Not even in the issue’s “bonus” page online (that you had to scan a QR code to see), where Cyclops all but said “we’re going to bring her back.”

I once asked at a panel (while cosplaying Italian Spiderman) if they could sneak him into a splash page in like the 2nd Spider-Verse event, and they said they couldn’t, which made me sad. But then Dan Slott and Andrew Robinson wanted a photo with me in costume so that made up for it lol.

I had watched episode 18 late last night with the intention to finish the season tonight. And then I fire up the app, it continues with the credits to the episode and then ... nothing.

Oh no! Whatever will San Diego COMIC CON do? Certainly they can’t shift focus onto comics and writers/artists?’s Kodo. Odo is the constable of Deep Space Nine.