
Not in a snob way per se. I just don’t think he’d do TV. Maybe prestige TV, but I wouldn’t qualify Galaxy Quest as being that. But I could be wrong.

After an attack by Robo-Rita sees Trini killed in action and Jason, Kim, and Tommy captured

Here’s an idea: Do it mockumentary style. Have it from the POV of a documentary crew filming a BTS of the latest reboot of the show for a streamer that’s in, like it’s 3rd or 4th season, enough that the adventures have made it to the Thermians. And then they get dragged into a new interstellar war along with the cast,

There can be. The Borg are like bees, there can be more than one queen.

Yeah, they’ve been all over the place with the timeline. I remember before the premiere producers were saying that 10 years had passed since season 2, which would have made Speelers’ age a bit more reasonable (but he has a babyface). And also because it seems to me that it would take more than 2 years for Seven to go

Yeah this is straight up nonsense.

Exactly lol.

I like that they flipped the normal conventions on their head with the decision to not make Peach the damsel in distress, a role actually given to Luigi (poor Luigi lol). She was probably the most capable character in the entire movie, with her scheming to take down Bowser at their wedding with the ice flower (and I’m

I don’t really understand the Nikki Haley stuff though. He said “people say she’s past her prime.” While he may not have directly said it, he was couching it in the “people say...” qualifier, like many people do to indirectly say what they’re really thinking. So, while he meant it, it’s no different than anyone else

(Mercedes Varnado, aka WWE superstar Sasha Banks)

Nope. Not the 1610. That’s the Ultimate Universe. This is as much the 1610 as the MCU is the 616 (it ain’t).

I don’t think it cheapens it as the Data that Picard was able to let die is dead. This one as an amalgamation of the others is (at least IMHO) merely an echo of the Data that sacrificed himself in Nemesis and not that lone positronic brain cell that lingered for over a decade. 

I couldn’t help but get a chuckle out of John getting hurled through yet another glass case.

Hell, the Romulans studying a Borg cube was straight out of “The Return” by Shatner and the Stevenses.

Whole lotta Florida there.

It wouldn’t have made sense from a narrative point if the Shazam/JSA scene was in Black Adam though. Because Billy wasn’t comfortable not having the rest of the Shazam family (whoever coined Shazamily can die in a fire lol) around him and by Black Adam, would have said to them “Well I’m not going to join unless the

Yeah, there were definitely a bunch of threads that were just...left. Even with the Voyager books, but that was mostly because Beyer was the only person writing those books. Since she was now a writer and showrunner, she had to drop virtually everything, especially a promising storyline revisiting the Krenim.

Well the new WBD overlords decided that streaming movies at the same time as their theatrical run is evil so they put the kibosh on that almost right away.

Considering the DCEU (in this form) is dying anyway, there’s probably a lot of people who are waiting to stream it, thinking “what’s the point, it has no bearing on future installments in the overall franchise.”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but Dwayne always wanted Adam, he never wanted to be Shazam.