
Wow I didn’t read it that way at all.

What makes you say that?

In the (non-canon) DS9 book continuation, she joined the DS9 crew as a Bajoran Militia member and when Bajor officially joined the Federation, she was re-commissioned as Starfleet, and became the station’s commanding officer. She even had an on/off romance with Quark!

They’re saving that for Star Trek: Janeway in a few years.

Pershing’s “It was a trap!” protestation directed at the Mon Calamari was particularly amusing.

Yeah... I admit it’s been a while, but I was still trying to not spoil it lol.

Yeah it’s pretty gross. Instead of golden goo, they’re like living piles of liposuctioned body fat with some blood for good measure.

For a good (though non-canon) story with the “Conspiracy” bugs, check out the DS9 “Season 8" books starting with Avatar books 1 and 2. It takes a few books, but they play a major part, and their secret origin is really interesting.

How did the portal weapon work almost immediately on the 3rd shot when they made it a point to show them powering it up the first 2 shots?

In the Sam Wilson Captain America book, Wakanda had recently been dealing with an invasion from outside forces and closed their borders. This came after allowing Black refugees from all over the world to immigrate to Wakanda and become Wakandan citizens, only have suffered an attack by neighboring country Mohaanda,

Janeway and Picard got her into Starfleet, she still had to work her way up to being First Officer of a starship, and there’s a roughly 10-year gap between season 2 and 3.

When I was 6, I snuck down and watched HBO on the family’s cable box as Child’s Play was on. As I shared a name and age with the young protagonist, I was terrified. Cue to a week later and my mom bought me a My Buddy.

It’s crazy what a simple (if gross) act of kindness can do lol.

Except Hickman isn’t exactly bringing it back. Earth-1610 has been around for years now, there’s just no stories being told in it. While it was destroyed, we saw in 2017's Spider-Men II that not only had it been recreated at the end of the end, it sort of reset things, restoring Ultimate Peter Parker as Spider-Man

In the Quantum Realm though, it was near-instantaneous. But we know that time passes slower in the Quantum Realm, so we don’t actually know how long it took Cassie to fix the “telescope/gateway device.” Hours? Days? Weeks? 5 hours in the QR to Scott was 5 years on the outside, so for all we know, it took Cassie a hot

I’m actually curious how much time it took for Cassie to repair that transponder/portal maker, since it’s established that more time passes outside the Quantum Realm.

You are aware that a multiversal council of variations of one person wasn’t invented by Rick & Morty, right?

Yup, I saw another comment to that affect after I’d posted mine. It makes more sense, plus it makes Crusher’s son more believable to also be Picard’s son since Ed Speleers is in his 30s.

I believe the producers have been on record saying that this season takes place like 4-5 years after season 2. Because Raffi’s granddaughter is an actual child and not in the belly of her daughter-in-law. Also, Seven not only joining Starfleet but having gone through the system long enough to have achieved the rank of

Does that count though considering the ending of the movie?