They don’t. Also, they can’t be bothered to go back and fix their fuckups even days after they’be been pointed out.
They don’t. Also, they can’t be bothered to go back and fix their fuckups even days after they’be been pointed out.
Nunes: “...and they made their voices heard in the last presidential election.”
I do the same thing, also in a Chicago office, but I also lay tidings at the feet of my Molina Funko Pop and Fredbird bobblehead.
NL East-leading Cardinals
Sure there is. Just ask Kaep.
Well, to be fair, the guy was on his blind side.
Good. I hope that Rizzo’s foolhardy agreement to return after hurting his ankle hurts it further. He did tweak it again fielding a bunt last night. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I liked Graves’ unintentional self-own when he asked it to explain his stupid metaphor back to him “for a slow sailor, like me.”
I watched that clip of Shane Gillis’ podcast video in which he makes fun of Asian accents and says generally shitty things about Asian people before I decided, no, I really didn’t need to invest any more energy into watching this man say more racist, homophobic, ableist things.
He’ll just have Trump draw it on with a Sharpie every morning.
See, that’s your problem in assuming they use Quickbooks. No, they use Slowbooks. Much cheaper, increases profits.
You know that doesn’t work if they’re freelancers, right?
Please. They won’t do shit until someone in their families is either killed or directly affected by a mass shooting. And even then there will be hemming and hawing until they do the right thing
So like Edgar from Men in Black.
That makes the most sense. It’s like throwing something against the wall and making sure it sticks.
It says it pretty clearly. 3 for causing the deaths, 3 for causing the deaths while in the act of another felony (the shooting incident). So it’s double-dipping.
Are they really killing some of these (like the double decker) or are they just going to become secret menu items? I mean, there’s no unique ingredient that prevents them from making double deckers.
and TKTKTK winning Best New Artist Presented By Taco Bell
Drew, I think I speak for a lot of us when I ask how disappointed are you now that all those “Andrew Luck is a bridge troll” jokes you wrote for Why Your Team Sucks have to be scrapped?
“No, no, I wasn’t fat shaming you. That’s fake news. I was fat shaming someone near you. Also fake news. MAGA!”