

“We are a nation of tremendous wealth. Hunger in this country is the result of policies that keep wages low and funnel wealth to the top. It is the result of a political system that says it is OK to spend money on tax breaks for millionaires and the same companies who taint our economy, but we can’t afford to fund

How about shame the goddamn taxpayers who aren’t willing to take care of the children in their community?

Yes but they are still “winning.” You’re talking about people who don’t give a shit if their economic livelihoods are effected, as long as they “own the libs.”

Good for them. Medical providers HAVE to push back on this- politicians should not be prescribing medical treatment through legislation. They went to law school, not medical school and need to stay in their fucking lane. 

Chuck Todd is an outright imbecile, and he needs to be fired.

I dunno . . . this seems like a slippery slope that might lead some to start viewing the poor as people deserving of basic human dignity.

I wish there wasn’t such a competition among women, especially moms, about shit that is none of their business.

THIS THIS THIS. I was pushing around my son like a BOSS after having my body cut in half for the second time and literally, store clerks would ask me “Was it a c-section? Or natural?” Well, boo boo, what you mean is VAGINAL, not natural. You can deliver through your vag and still have an epidural and pitocin and all

She also asked me in a shocked way why I was weaning my daughter after a year of breastfeeding I can’t imagine if I had stopped at 6 mos or didn’t do it at all. 

why the everloving fuck are people hung up on this as a thing??? 

My response: doctors don't know everything, but they certainly know more than people who are not doctors.


Yo c-sections are hard to recover from! My mother wasn’t allowed to bend over or take stairs for weeks after I was born, and I imagine these restrictions plus the general recovery from surgery makes it so much harder to take care of an infant. Women who get c-sections need extra support, not more shame

Sorry that you had to have a C section? Sheesh! The goal is a healthy baby and mother. It doesn’t matter how you get there as long as you are comfortable with your doctor and their recommendation. People need to mind their own damn business.

As someone who had a C section, this stigma does not just exist in Nigeria. My Dr told me there was about a 25% chance of cord prolapse due to how my daughter was positioned and my weird (she said this in a nice way) pelvis. I was fine with this. We scheduled my C section at 37 weeks for 39 weeks because they didn’t

my mum doesnt remember the births of me or my siblings. she went in got knocked out, cut up and boom. baby. seeing as how we were going to tear her up one way or another, either from a virginal birth or c-section, i cannot for the life of me think its my place to say what she did was wrong. and if anyone dares tell

Exactly this. The part of “moneyball” and “analytics” or whatever term you want to use that’s totally fun *independent of having an interest in the mathematics* is seeing the on-field results of teams moving hard into a market inefficiency. I hate the Cards like any sane person, but it would objectively rule to see

You could draw some similarities to football. Buddy Ryan develops the 46 defense. Offenses move to more short passing, less play action. And so on. And it only took 5-10 years! At the rate baseball strategy evolves, I anticipate teams effectively game planning against the shift in...30 years or so.

Shit like this is why banning the shift is dumb. I know, I know, it’s way harder than it looks to use the half of the field that is wide open, especially when the models say that pulling the ball and hitting monster dongs is most efficient. But maybe your model is just wrong. Use the whole damn field!