Guillaume @internet

So like many Nintendo problems before it can be solved by blowing on it?

I’d probably enjoy Super Mario Maker 2 a lot more if it had this feature. Maybe give people the option not to allow it on their courses (or disable it for player-made courses in general), but turn it on for the story mode courses. Some of those are like bashing your head against a wall.

Hi it's me, a person this is for.

My kids play NES games (9 and 7)...

There’s nothing wrong with making them more accessible. Nobody’s forcing anyone to use the option.

Now playing

Just remember, Disney: steady the camera, use wide angles, and never cut on hit.

I developed a deep, abiding love for King of the Hill over the years.  I was fifteen when it first aired, so I wasn’t quite in the target demographic, but now, as I near forty, I’ve developed a much stronger appreciation for its themes, setting, and the maturity (and humor) with which it handles both.

They took in a lot of con$ideration$ and is wa$ then decided that what the Doc did, while it wa$ in bad ta$te, that maybe it could be con$idered a juvenile prank and hi$ Twitch channel mu$t be re$tored...

Seriously? They couldn’t even stick to a one-month ban?

They hit the nail on the head. Money. 3.5 million viewers. He will be back. It’s why I don’t watch twitch with any regularity and when I do it’s always small randoms. I’d rather watch a person playing and enjoying a game I like than some superstar getting paid to shill.

So you are pro-cameras-in-public-restrooms or am I missing your point?

I’d have called the police too, but only for his protection. That or they’d have to peel him off the tile.

his personal life has nothing to do with this and someone being a cheater doesn’t make them worth less or dumber than anyone else. 

E3 was plagued with “Influencer” advertising. It made me want to go outside and yell at a cloud. I’m sure the youngins enjoyed the ‘Oh my goodness! That is so-and-so!’ moments, but for me it was just annoying padding that was distracting from game reveals.

seriously this! most the “top tier” streamers on twitch are extremely problematic at best. 

Just get rid of him already, all these fucking people and their disgusting fucking edgy streams, learn some manners and laws because this shit is tiring.

Well this is absolutely gross, but also kinda something I’m less than surprised by.

As someone who originally backed, if we actually get this and more importantly great Wing Commander game play to go with it I will be ecstatic.

It is super easy to snark about release dates because RSI/Cloud Imperium are astoundingly good at not caring about release dates to the point of mockery.  This is self inflicted.

Jesus, Char.  Feels like this game is taking about as long as you trying to slam a fucking astroid into the earth.