
Whats the Canadian version of hold my beer? Is it maple syrup?

I’m all for calm heads but when was the last time a state took someone else’s navy equipment? Shit like this doesn’t happen between rival nations unless they’re trying to send a message.

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Yes, they have now sold 13,000 up from 10,000 EV’s. Meanwhile 13,000,000 gasoline cars were sold in the same period. *numbers fabricated to make a point about percentage increases.

No. No they don’t.

Police vehicles ought to be speed limited to the posted limit.

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You can so outrun a radio. You just need to be far enough ahead to be able to ditch and dash. Make sure you head for a crowded area to lose yourself or the helicopter’s thermal camera will find the tree or dumpster you are hiding in.

I’m not super concerned. OPEC isn’t tight enough to actually pull this off. If they say they’re going to cut production, at least one member will backstab the others and keep their production up to try and capitalize on the profit. This is all just posturing and theater.

If oil prices start climbing up, all those unemployed workers in North Dakota and Texas will be back at work at the shale wells, and prices will tumble down again soon enough.

To be fair, there is one of these signs posted there.

As another 6'5" man, I say violent protest is needed. The last time I was on a plane, I saw them take an armrest off to accommodate a fat lady. I asked the flight attendant to remove the seat in front of me while she was at it. Got a dirty look

I agree. It’s in the Constitution under the “leg room” clause.

Wow, Ferrari has finally gone off the rails with this branded merchandise.

Ball joints and wheel bearings are absolutely considered normal maintenance.

Multi-track drifting!

Wait you can’t compare the Panamera and the Giulia.

I also don’t shit on the floor of my living room, but that’s just me.

I don’t understand the whole "they don’t deserve their cars" backlash. I would imagine that 90% of people that buy these sorts of cars fall into that category. So if all these d-bags didn’t buy these cars the supercars probably wouldn’t exist. So instead of hating these rich bastards for driving cars you only dream

35k canadian?