He coulda gone back to ATT and traded it. He was within 30 days.
He coulda gone back to ATT and traded it. He was within 30 days.
I live in East Texas
Anyone that bought one in the last 3 months is an idiot, or just never pays attention to release cycles.
Mmm I want!
Yeah and then scientists could also fund a cure for cancer and AIDS. That might, MIGHT, get 5 seconds of air time... if its a slow news day.
It's not like you need to pull it to restock...
Not a very good day, or year, or number of years for that matter, for government.
DL 32bit ISO and trying to install in in VMWARE and its making me provide a key, I cant proceed past and I never got one. Help?
May be so but I still dont think he would spin off Apple IP into 3rd party products.
Steve would have never allowed this.
I foresaw this coming, With Steve gone, so is the innovation, inspiration, and dedication.
Professor moneybags over there. Super cheap to me would be only costing 50.00
@Brian Ashcraft - *Kinda unrealted* I really miss your Night Notes, That alone gave me such a great look into Japan from a personal perspective and not just business.
Holy shite! They still have the old format!
I had no idea Acer bought Gateway till I got a new Gateway tower and noticed my KB and mouse had Acer labeled on the bottom.
Are you f**king kidding me?! I can do that on my Android, FOR FREE! It's called signatures people. Learn how to use one!
They were penetrated deeply.
I see what you did there.
That has since been upgraded to 'Will it play Crysis'?