
Seeing as its just YouTube videos, Why not just go to YT itself and build a playlist there??? Seems fairly redundant to me to have essentially an YT clone that you could just do on YT.

Website complete with vibrating titties and cheesy porn music, what else could you want?

Pretty much

Personally I think they should have done the most populated areas first.

There is much nerd rejoicing tonight!

And Texas . . . . :(

Like I mentioned. I read it as soon as Sony tweeted it.

I got the news from @Sony as soon as they tweeted it out. Still that was some damn fast writing!

Hey Brian...

I agree Bash, It was very poorly done. They need to take the extra time to make sure their cars dont turn into non stoppable missiles

Yup, just got the tweet from Sony.

Fail. Guess you never saw Avatar. Great movie

Any article with profanity in the title is always a good one :)

Excellent read Brian! Thank you!!!

Yeah, I see it all over here as well as 'Mac vs Windows' all over Gizmodo

This has just more or less weeded out the true warriors for Sony from the ones claiming loyalty and jumping ship when it sinks.

(male) Its aight tho. For some reason I just havent been up to playing much of anything.

No matter how many times I've tried, I hit ok and it boots me back to the movie selection

Damn image failure. No matter how many times I sign in. Netflix fails to load any programming. I can surf and add to queue but after that... nothing but fail