
This is very tough territory for all involved. I was hired to replace Michael Beattie as Mordin Solus in “Mass Effect 3.” I had never played the game, so I didn’t even know I was replacing someone. I found out when I showed up to the session. My agents had sent me the audition, referring to it as an “alien scientist,”

This is anti-lefthanded hatred run amok! Amok I tell you!1!!

True facts. I learned about that way too late, especially considering Rock Sling is pretty OP even in the right hand.

I actually think that First Soldier was a good battle royale game but was destined to fail on mobile. I’m surprise they haven’t tried a PC/Console release because I think it could have been successful.

Because you had a prophecy that a decade later they would do something like this? Can I have upcoming lotto numbers? 

toss in two tablespoons of drained caper berries

I disagree strongly with this. You are mostly picking at edge cases or revealing flaws in the model without suggesting a better one. The old saying that “All models are wrong, but some are useful” definitely applies here.

Fallingstar Beast Jaw.  You’re welcome

Yes. I just am in the Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree and just upgraded Rivers of Blood to 10+ last night 8/8/2022 unaware it was going to be nerfed. I was a dex strength build with Blood Hound Fang 10+ but changed to Arcane and Elenora’s Pole Blade 10+.

Patch 1.07: Fixes a bug where Malenia’s health can be reduced to zero

Damn, that Tremors trailer looks great! And they actually got Kevin Bacon, what the hell happened there to tank it??

I’d be on board for a sequel or remake of every one of those.

Getting shit done in a private session is a welcome change. 

I honestly have no real gauge for it but I’d thought it was FAIRLY well-known? But a lot of it is about orbit, I wager. It’s certainly very well known amongst JJBA fans, and that’s my relative orbit for a lot of manga/anime discussions. But I keep forgetting JJBA isn’t super mainstream in the US...

Here in Minneapolis one of our art museums has a big exhibition on Japanese Textiles and it opens with stuff from the Nivk and Ainu peoples. It was really, really cool to see all of it in person

As far as I’m concerned, every item at KFC should have the 11 herbs and spices. To me, the main failing of their sandwich is that it doesn’t.

ROFL, that sauna scene, burnt deep into memory.

To add some context, when I worked at GameStop (wow, just over a decade ago), we would “penny out” items that were no longer worth their shelf space. This was generally stuff like extremely dated strategy guides and games for platforms we were no longer supporting. I worked there as they phased out PC games, so those

i hated it. pretty much every aspect of it. was the show runner some edgelord 13 year old? 

All restaurants will now be required to have a representative on the fishing boat, in the fish processing plant, in the vehicle transporting the fish, and in the warehouse that delivers the processed fish to each restaurant.