
Way too much for a car with regular-ass doors. If it’s over $100k my only question is

Insurance companies. Easy excuse to raise rates, which they love to do anyways.

The cop is right. It is a distraction to the job of driving.

There is absolutely nothing wrong, illegal, or immoral about charging the labor time set by the manufacturer and it taking far less time to actually do the job. For a Mercedes transmission service, I suspect the tech had to use a piece of equipment that cost many thousands of dollars. How about the multi-thousand

The 4 dashes are to let the car behind know you have 4 cylinders

Bring this law to NJ and triple the fine.

Disagree. This law is fantastic. It shouldn’t just be a pull over for faster traffic rule. OK is ahead of the curve on this one.

“Welp, there goes my ability to ever trust a car that’s had serious body work done to it used car.” 

I think there are certainly reputable shops out there, but you really need to be picky. ‘Cheapest available’ is a bad idea when it comes to major repairs.

Your turn signal lets other drivers know what the fuck it is you plan to do. You know, so you don’t collide with them, causing possible loss of life, and a huge traffic jam.

Anybody have any data on the additional cost you are incurring by not using your signal? (Potential for accidents/injury, additional stress, cost to society?) I’ll bet there is a distinct possibility that it’s actually is cheaper to use the signal.

I was expecting you to say “It doesn’t cost anything to use your blinkers, so START FUCKING USING THEM, MORONS” to all the idiots that don’t use them now.

What about ROI and other cost savings (such as reduced insurance costs) when you get in less accidents because you were using your turn indicators?

You fools! We’ve spent decades trying to get BMW drivers to use their blinkers, and you go and give those penny pinching 3 Series M Sport assholes all the ammunition they need to never use them again!

Seems kind of odd that of all things to be doing, the KATU helicopter was filming that one particular spot.

This has to be the dumbest thing ever? I can’t fathom who thought this was ever a good idea? Seriously? And on an espensive car no less. Mind blown.

Sooooooo... I mean.... why not just have the exhaust emanate through those “fake” holes to begin with?

People always bring this up, but I have no idea how people have a hard time seeing tail light turn signals.