Maeve wanting to find her daughter ISN’T programming, though. Her programming is “Brothel Madam.”
Maeve wanting to find her daughter ISN’T programming, though. Her programming is “Brothel Madam.”
His mother wasn’t literally a prostitute. He was born out of an adulterous affair, and when discovered, she was charged with bigamy ostracized from polite society. She would have often been called a “whore”.
“Hamilton” is effectively an opera, or a concept album. It’s not a play with songs mixed in; it’s all sung. When you listen to it, you’re getting the whole thing. “Jesus Christ Superstar” was enormously popular when it was new for the same reason.
All of the comments are saying you can buy the soundtrack, and Miranda has made it clear that the dialogue in live show is 99% sung/rapped. He did this knowing that the people who would need to hear the story of Hamilton the most (kids) were also the people least likely to be able to see the show live.
The literal abortion pill is not available without a prescription. It is different than the morning after pill, which blocks conception. The conflation of the two is dangerous and irresponsible writing.
DeSouza’s work has been the finest misting of seawater onto each day’s new papercut for me.
My brother, mother and father are all dead. Aunt, Uncle and Grandparents long gone. I would do anything for one more Christmas with them. Appreciate your family while you can. Do not take them for granted, they won’t be here forever.
He’s just fucked. I have bleepin’ perfect dental hygiene and my teeth just fucking fall out of my head at random. You just count down the days until they are either all fake or all filled and there’s nothing left to do but get dentures.
For anyone who wants bar soap that does not have colorants and/or fragrance added: the easiest thing to do is buy hobbyist soap base and then not add anything with it. Bramble Berry’s are here. This is also cheap. Further, such bases do not contain inert fillers like salt or talc, so they work better and last longer.…
“Lena...that was Jason Pierre-Paul...”
Are we sure she was seated next to Beckham, Jr.? I ask because we have no evidence suggesting Lena Dunham can tell black people apart.
Number nine is the most interesting. I’m trying to break into the acting biz and I do notice that stereotypes abound there too. I was an extra in a TV show this week. We were standing on the side awaiting a call from the PA. Two white guys were noticing a female PA who was very attractive. They were only three feet…
theres differences between the genuine dickeys shorts they sell on their website, and the crap they make for walmart.
If it’s canned corned beef hash that they’re using, you can’t really count those as potatoes.
I once witnessed a fight break out on a crowded subway train because someone yawned without covering their mouth and the person who was front and center for the uvula ballet was a nutcase who thought yawns were literally transmissible, like a disease. So cover your mouth when you yawn, especially in public.
I just did a 10k at almost 1/2 the pace of just 6 years ago. The effort was exhausting and I had fantasies of an ambulance ride and bypass surgery.
When I was growing up, my mom was a terrible cook. Great mom, great lady, but you can’t have everything I guess. Anyway, whenever she would “make” stew, she would crack open 2-3 cans of Dinty Moore and dump it in the slow cooker on low for like an hour to get it all warmed through.
I bet they look awesome on you. I suffer from pretty severe thin envy and I forget sometimes about the forms of privilege I do have. I’ve been trying to flatter my short, weight-fluctuating body since high school and sometimes resent people who seem to be able to throw on shapeless clothes and still look amazing when…
Exactly! The perk of wearing something like this is it reads as saying ‘I’m beautiful/thin enough to not be written off by society no matter what I wear’. This dress reads to me like a brag.
The winner did 20km in under 1:19—that's a sub-2:45 marathon. Any of you comedians manage to pull that off between comments?