
Cheetos stereotype is definitely a thing, though this was the first time i heard it outside of a southern high school. I'm a fan, but did Joe Swanberg bring anything unique to this episode? When I saw his name at the end I just thought "oh, OK." I mean it's not like he's some big deal for a show like this, but still,

I love it, but there is enough wrong with it (like every actor other than Neill/Fishburne, somewhat sloppy balance of horror/sci-fi) that coupled with the general dislike of Anderson amongst serious genre fans, I can see why it never reached "cult status." I'm not the first person to suggest this, but it makes a

I am an ex Buffy/Xander shipper. I watched the first two seasons in HS and I think 'cause I related so much to Xander (and had a huge crush on SMG) I really wanted it to happen. It was indeed stupid (and makes zero sense by season 3) but the scene where Buffy turns him down for the dance still bums me out.

Any Thomas Ligotti fans here? I've been waiting for a show or movie with a Ligotti vibe for years now. Session 9 came close, but this is perfect.