
Looks like San Diego.

Witness? I have gloves, though I’m nowhere close to being as fast as the guy with the tow strap.

Diversity hires...gotta love them...

You want it, you pay for it - I don’t want to pay for your multilation surgeries, especially with money that should be going towards an effective military force.

Hopefully the next thing to go, following in the footsteps of Israel, will be allowing women to server in combat units.

Didn’t realize that trannies were a race?

Those are the “breaks”?

Isn’t that what “students of color” at most universities want? Separate facilicities and courses?

I missed the racist policy part of the platform - was that wanting to curb immigration and enforce existing immigration policies? Stop H1B visa abuses?

Welcome to Commiefornia. We know better than you, and we’ll prosecute you if you disagree with us.

Welcome to history. Slave auctions, and sex slave auctions happened. They don’t happen anymore, except in the middle east, in islamic countries and the horn of africa...but I’d guess that is ok with you as they are oppresed non-CIS white men doing it.

Sweden is basically the Caliphate, Northen Europe edition.

“But the second you challenge their privilege, you see the response.”

Parks like every freaking Toyota in LA.

The effort that men have to go through to get 5 minutes of peace, and you want to send a woman...



If we get on with with telling the UN to take a hike, we can walk out of the “non-binding agreement” right now. Or we can just say “bye” now.

Well if we are really lucky we’ll tell the UN to take a hike too.

As long as it’s not Ivanka or Jared...