
Luckiy they are all here where they are easy to keep track of.

Who would pass classified info to the Saudis if Huma wasnt there?

Book your tickets yet?


I don’t get it - why wouldn’t you move to Mexico when Trump wins?

Gotta love the 3rd world.

Awesome tweet.

But at least they Rammed it through the legal system quickly, before the defendants had a chance to get out of Dodge...

Far more likely that Hillary and her tech supporters are already flipping votes in machines. Or dumping mail in ballots in post offices. Or trying to figure out ways to get everyone in the country to vote, especially if they aren’t here legally. Or are down at the cemetery registering voters.

If Hillary wins, we are basically saying Democracy is dead, and was a losing idea to begin with.

“Also, no one expected that the media would whore itself out for Trump, and thus given him a huge advantage over the other candidates.”

What kind of ideas? That whacko psuedo intellectuals are a danger to everyone?

Like Warren is any better.

Or as we thought when living there, it will be the worlds greatest paintball arena...

Hillary schlonged by Weiner Probe?

Except it wasn’t covered by any media?

Really - I’ve only heard of arrested, and anyone with half a brain can see how true that is.

“Uncomfortable”? Seriously? what the hell is wrong with you people?

So open minded - except that in general Trump supporters have higher incomes then Dem supporters. And if I recall correctly, equal or greater college graduation levels (need to check that) - and I’m pretty sure that as far as jobs / colleges go - they have useful degrees in STEM subjects.

A lot of it, as I mentioned in another comment, has more to do with fear of being attacked. Let’s face it - Hillary folks have a known history of attacking trump supporters then whining about violence against themselves because “feelings”.