President Obama and kids and the influx of pictures made my day. Here’s my favorite video.
President Obama and kids and the influx of pictures made my day. Here’s my favorite video.
His sheer glee in being a terrifying skidmark is sickening. I’m so glad she’s not physically near him, but this guy clearly has no boundaries. I worry for her, a lot. I don’t want to see another Jezzie headline about her dying because he hired someone to do it, crossed the border to do it himself, or he pushed her to…
“the only girl that loved me the way you were suppose to”
He is now the perfect storm of likely mental illness, entitlement, paranoia, visibility, with a massive audience. He needs help, but I still can't stand him.
Do I or will I ever feel sorry for a convicted rapist that used his power and privilege to abuse and rape women he fully expected no one to believe or care about?
I loved it, from that shit eating expert in the beginning to the entire group kicking ass at the end.
I actually loved the entire thing. Including the death of the rest of the Porchdick family. I didn’t hate them (ok, I lied, I hated Ron) but I cheered when they got taken out. It was violent, gross, and inevitable from the moment Sam didn’t just go to the damn church.
“Bye Scalicia!”
Add a statement that needs to be read by a doctor with surgical privileges, a waiting period, as well as mandatory counseling on other options like abstinence and sexual activity solely for procreation.
If it's real, legitimate impotence the male body has a way of preventing it on its own. Anything else and they must have allowed it or enjoyed it, so no need to provide medication.
Just to be safe we’d better require copies of ultrasounds to be sent in and collected. Best not allow men to be frivolous with their healthcare, it’s really obviously just in their best interest.
Yes, I think so. And my usual half-price chocolate grab next week will now be referred to as a “supply run.”
A+ for that “Filed to”
My plans consist of blankets, tea, pillows, tea, and The Walking Dead. Nothing says romance like drama, death, and bloody machetes.
Your name is good hint to my plans too.
They seem to have confused the family brand with a family bland.
Makes me wonder where his imagination rolls.
Ok. That’s enough internet for me for a while today. I can’t read about this story anywhere else or the victim blaming and shaming comments will make me want to start fires. Back to my X-Files binge.
That’s one of those mental images that make erasing a chunk of your own memory seem like a solid plan.
But it’s “heritage, not hate” right? That woman was just looking to share her new earrings, she wasn’t trying to harass or intimidate teenagers. It’s not her fault no one can take a joke. She knows a black person that doesn’t mind the flag. It's not ignorant or racist if she's just looking for fashion advice! /s