
@cc: FYI, you could put gadgets anywhere in Vista too. I have no idea why so many blogs reported this incorrectly. I was doing that with Vista for a year.

@Grewal: In what way? You think Adobe owns the pdf standard just because they have Acrobat? This is all Apple...

@joule79: Leave it to some know-it-all Gizmodo commenter to criticize the choices of someone who just broke a world record. Maybe you should take your vast knowledge of computer efficiency engineering and ya know — beat them.

With all due respect, I don't believe that "All Giz Wants" is cool looking gadgets. The average gadget fan wants everything and won't stop complaining until he/she gets it. They want sleek, indestructable hardware with integrated, open, fully customizable software with no bugs, contast updates, zero fragmentation

@thesolster: Yeah, I'm guessing you're violating the SDK, but who knows. You're bootlegging off the task completion thing or doing some fancy trick with push notifications. Because, no, iOS4 does not let you "run" stuff in the background arbitrarily and indefinitely. Good luck getting it through the approval

@thesolster: How is that possible? Is it a jailbreak app? I didn't think iOS4 let you run stuff in the background. Are you piggybacking off the task completion API or something?

Maybe I'm just missing something, but how does something like this work? How does an app know if I'm connected to Wifi unless I have it open? Even if I set up this app as soon as I shut it, it's going to stop. Then if I fall off Wifi how will a friend, using this same app, going to know that I fell off Wifi?

@MarcusMaximus: I dunno about that. The note did seem to indicate that they were girls....

@EmilElephat: I would wager that most of those reviews are being done in NYC where AT&T has done some MAJOR upgrades to their network. When you get great reception the problem isn't nearly as bad. If you think this is a conspiracy you are just a dumb person. I can reproduce it at will. It's like magic. And I've

@patches8: That's about how fast I am. I was able to keep up with no practice after seeing what he was typing. But definitely pretty impressive. Nice option to have, but not fast enough.

@eatamez2: What phone did you come from? Are you used to a virtual keyboard? Going from physical to virtual is hard, but once you do it should be the same. The Android keyboards just aren't as good as and even Google has admitted this. I would love it to be great as I would probably jump ship. The HTC Sense

Ok, I'm sure this will never make it to the light of day, but you have to realize that this is NOT the fastest way to text. If anything this is the fastest way to text with one finger. The reason I know this is because when I saw that commercial I tried typing that phrase and after three tries I was already faster

@tundraboy: So why then can't Microsoft arbitrarily decide to put IE on the operating system they own?

You can middle click to do the same thing as shift+click on taskbar icon.