
So, here’s my idea. Get the entire community together, and take over the grounds of, say, the Washington Monument, and when #GentrifyingGeorge and his buddies complain about how they’re ‘disrespecting’ the grounds, tell them that if they don’t like it, they can move the monument.

Let a black girl do this exact same shit and see how it plays out.

I think when it’s all said and done, what you’re gonna see is there was nothing racial that motivated white people don’t want to think about this anymore.

“I’m not surprised that ***all production companies*** likely turned a blindeye to what appears to be systematic harassment and abuse as for years ...”

Nah, there’s lots. Brando, Jodie Foster, etc.

Looks like this will put the nail in season 6 ever airing, or at least Kevin Spacey ever returning to set. I’m not surprised that Netflix likely turned a blindeye to what appears to be systematic harassment and abuse as for years they used the show as their tentpole to prove they could make critically excelling shows