
Who's Tera Patrick? Teen idol? Anyway are we really expecting a pornstar to do ANYTHING in the game but show us those Xmas gifts? This isn't GEX you can't put a women in a game and make her smart and sexy anymore.

OMG someone tell those guys to add 1080i dammit why would you not put that in?

I want this game so bad I might get it today but is it true that anime characters are clones? Why add them then?

Can't wait I bought a Wii just for this.

Anyone have a feeling RROD will come back in full force with the Fall Update?

The developer doesn't decide the price, they suggest but ultimately its up to M$. They're the ones capitalizing on hype.

Another case if Microsoft putting the smackdown on democracy. Braid may be worth it, but no Arcade title should be 20$. Next they'll probably jack the price of Bionic Commando Rearmed.

You guys act like both consoles released simultaneously. 360 had a YEAR lead, I actually think the ps3 is doing pretty good with a 5 million spread.

Shows what difference a year lead makes.

Quit saying its no big deal. PSN is free and if you're talking just about online play which is all I care about I could care less about movies or NETFLIX, then you're paying for what's free on Playstation3. There's no visual difference between online play on either, so why pay?

Why can't they just say they made a mistake and make online play free for all? And I already tried Gears it sent my ass to the membership page. It feels so good to play a game online without any hidden fees. Only on Playstation 3.

how come when I try to play xbox live online it says "Uh-uh 50 dollars." then sends my ass back to the dash.

Jasper? Falcon? What is this ComicCon? Who cares as long as it doesn't RROD and make me cry.

@laser beams:Well said. @push eject: Yeah just wait. Start up Gears of War or Oblivion, it'll start gasping like a lawnmower.

Is it true that LiveWeekend is free for ALL users?

Well, Gold members still get Betas and DLC early, it just feels like online play should never cost if games are already 60 dollars its like half the money then. This is probably a glitch in the system though. Nothing permanent.