
Not trying to be a jerk, but see what happens when you don't do proper research before writing an article?

Here we go... and yes I mean here we truly go, this ain't gonna be a cliffhanger meltdown that ends with a comma or something.

Why would you want this on an iPhone again? GTAIV is about $30 bucks on Amazon, there really is no need for GangStar =(

I suspect foul play.


Well, at least Project Diva charted. It's glad to know people out there still care for the feeling you have when you play a game, not the polygon count.

This game is just as beautiful as its action figures. I can't imagine why people automatically hate it because its digital.


Holy crap, its articles and commenters like these that make me glad Kotaku changed its comment system.

Who wants to bet this won't hit U.S.A until after Final Fantasy XII??

Huh? Wouldn't it not selling on Wii be a better way to get it on other consoles? Especially since its critically acclaimed in Japan?

Its also the first Metal Gear game with Kojima not in the director's chair.