
Just because pedantism is a well-honored tradition around here, I feel the need to point out that Wakanda, in fact, is not an island nation. It is an isolationist nation and therefore could be, I guess, considered a island politically, but ‘island nation’ isn’t usually a term used in such an instance.

People immediately think of the Hound? I would have thought LSH was a far more common consideration. It’s who I immediately thought of when I saw the headline that a character was coming back.

I hope to hell the next season premiere isn’t bloated to an hour and a half where the first 45 minutes is just a replay of the last 20 minutes of the season finale before they get to something new. The premiere should open up with someone face down in the mud with head and brain matter attached to Lucille.

Oh for fuck’s sake.

Swamp Man huh? I’m pretty sure that’s not a THING

What are you Marvel guys whining for? You could be living in Metropolis for fuck sake!

“... the wealthier people live higher and think they deserve more resources than the people who live lower ...”

So it’s basically “Snowpiercer” after a 90-degree rotation?

is being ashamed of a brita really a thing? really? i mean seriously, is that a thing? 'oh, you use something that successfully filters your water that looks like a normal pitcher, and not like a chemex had sex with an original ipod? How . . . rustic of you.'