
I figured she knew when he told her about their "deal" in the after-sex scene, but I guess a baby was a more obvious choice.

I ended up pretty bummed that season two didn't really have a cliffhanger and brought so much back to the exact same place. Vee came and left, the racial tensions rose and then fell, Red got a new channel and will have to give it up, Alex left and seems to be on her way back. Unlike last year's fight, there isn't

Watching a comparison between Watch Dogs and GTAIV, I really became aware of how uncharacteristic Watch Dog's lighting is. The screens and videos I've seen very clean and perfectly white-balanced where GTAIV, while maybe brown or washed out, give Liberty City real character with playing with lighting temperature. That

Or King of the Hill!

Sony is trying to enter the original programming market on Playstation (akin to Microsoft's much larger effort this coming summer). Does the Hulu deal basically kill the idea that Sony could foot the bill for a season and air on PSN (however that would develop)?

Can we make this comment the state song?

BB has always been next-day for me. Or is it only next day on Hulu+? (What a fucking mess Hulu+ is btw)

Eh, it's alright. In fact, it reminds me of those old-school stick fighter animations that kind of just existed to make things fight. This is well rendered and kind of flashy, but kind of pointless and lifeless.

Okay, this has confused me about the CBB renewal: is it a 20 episode season or a 40 episode season? I had seen 40 on Twitter and on the AV Club article announcing the renewal, but now I don't know.

Stave it off, 1, 2, 3. And now you can count to three!

Like, the first hour is 5% U2 talk. Not done with the episode, but the moments when it tries to be genuine are watery. The non-U2 stuff is pretty good, but nothing has topped the second episodes "don't forget about the t-shirts" bit.

Cool. Thanks :)

No pricing information?

They actually had to do a couple different takes. The guinea pigs kept running away to a farm out of state.

I'm so sick of these portrayals of fake gamer Congressmen. Why can't a political thriller have a cunning politician who actually has some gaming chops?

What a sore loser. This is high school level jealousy.

But that's served with pancakes!

I think P!nk got super big in Australia for a few years? One of her recent tours had a ton of dates there and it was a big production.

I don't know what this means. Am I objectively good looking now?

I've been downgraded to neshcoRN? Or is this some evil plot to knock-off my personal identity?! Is not just as good! Is much cornier!