Hopefully white America will remember asking to be disassociated from family and community members who absorbed hateful ideologies over the internet and joined a terrorist movement next time Muslim communities ask for the same consideration
Hopefully white America will remember asking to be disassociated from family and community members who absorbed hateful ideologies over the internet and joined a terrorist movement next time Muslim communities ask for the same consideration
Any idea what’s going on between them? Looks almost like someone is laying face down on the pavement
Wow, so white supremacists assault and murder their way through an American city and you’re big concern is that the angry response of writers of color talking about racism hurt your feelings?
I may have my issues with John Wayne, but at least he was in favor of punching Nazis right in the head
Oh ok, removing from my Steam wish list
True, but the challenge for the developer who wants to have that feature is how do you keep players whose stated goal is to ruin the game for others from abusing it?
One really good rubric for whether or not you are an overall shitty person is whether your response to being bored is to try to make others unhappy
Personally I think, and I suspect Mr. Harriot would agree with me, that there is more than a little air between critiquing often used tropes and stereotypes about people of color in King’s work and/or adaptations of his work and calling him a racist in sense that I think you are using it
I think the point of the article is more about film adaptations of Kings work, but it generally applies to his novels and stories even if Shawshank is taken off the list.
It seems like you misunderstood the concept of this film and the TV shows that are supposed to go with it. The filmmakers and King himself have repeatedly said this is not an adaptation of any portion of The Dark Tower, it is a sequel. It seems like you’ve read the books and so are familiar with the ending so I am not…
Trump isn’t shaking in his boots, he’s too delusionally convinced of his own omnipotence and infallibility to ever actually believe that he could be convicted of a crime.
While I appreciate your sentiment, trying to guess the age of cartoon characters is a fairly impossible task
Most likely they will state that they had to tase him because he would have been a danger if they released him from the chair to transport him to the hospital
I dunno, if all wasps turned into unicorns that shat gold coins it would probably destroy our entire way of life. Do you know how many wasps there are in the world? Can you imagine if they all turned into horse sized animals that excreted gold coins? Do you know how much horses shit in a day? Do you realize gold does…
So you believe these people whose political goals you disagree with should go to prison for 20 years for expressing their beliefs?
What if the trans Atlantic slave trade never happened?
I dunno man, for me today the worst person is a toss up between this guy and that lady with the white girl dreads in Crown Heights who moved to her historically violent neighborhood, opened a bar with daddy’s money and tried to use “bullet holes” in the wall of her establishment to get people to buy overpriced…
Sorry you’re too brainwashed by hormones and cultural norms to recognize the truth that whatever little spit up and shit leaking bundles of tantrums you have or will have will be little more than an annoyance and drain on the lives of those around you for pretty much their entire childhood before growing up to almost…
Nah, I think most people acknowledge that they we’re also once objectively terrible. Children are a semi-necessary plague