
Yeah and even if you are less that clean, like you don’t do dishes right away and so on, it’s not like you are guaranteed to get them. And if you do, 95% of the time if you put out some bait stations in the kitchen and bathroom upon spotting one and maybe scrub down any surfaces that haven’t been cleaned in a while

What’s so creepy about the meaning of the term MILF evolving to mean anyone old enough to have a bachelor’s degree? Nothing at all


Well, so there you go. Probably what he was talking about

The term has sort of morphed into meaning“30+ lady I’d like to fuck” among some creepy pervy porny circles in recent years

Possibly this bodes well for the Switch having some Virtual Console equivalent? Could be Nintendo is planning on launching a retro feature for the switch and a market flooded with NES Classics might make that part of the catalog less profitable

Something I am officially less likely to ever buy after this

It’s funny that we’re having this discussion. For reasons, I’ve got a 19 year old crashing on my couch right now. He looked bored, so I showed him how to boot up my gaming rig which is steam linked to the TV in there thinking he’d want to netflix or something. He immediately got into the games though, which is fine,

I have found as I age that I find more challenging or even complicated games less and less appealing. When I was younger I’d have been happy to spend all the time figuring out mechanics and dying over and over without really getting anywhere, but at a certain point as you get older your relationship with free time

Stuff like this is why it is best to wait to buy a hotly anticipated AAA game. Chances are it was rushed to meet a release date and in need of patches to fix bugs and DLC to implement ideas they didn’t have time for.

What are you talking about? A bad situation? If this shit goes real south and someone gets seriously hurt, WWE will just do one of those things where all the talent stands under the titantron looking sad during Raw while a video tribute airs and then pretend it never happened.

There probably is no conspiracy, but if there is, Trump isn’t getting conned, he’s making out like gangbusters. Making the media report on how Trump is willing to risk military confrontation with Russia is a great way to distract from the investigation into his ties with Putin’s government.

Lemme ask you a question, if you come across a burning building and don’t have a fire hose, do you grab a can of gasoline and throw it in through the window from a safe distance? No, but that’s exactly what these bombing campaigns are

Check back in 6 months when this civil war will still be going on. Assad will still be killing his people and, on top of that, we’ll have probably killed a bunch of his people too and will likely be continuing to do so.

Yes. I am sure this time the airstrikes will promptly lead to a diplomatic solution.

Yeah, better that we rip them to shreds

Exactly. The Jaguar was a super powerful console back in its day too, but with a weak lineup of games, nobody bought it

I dunno, I’ve had xbox loyalty the past two generations, but I honestly regret my Xbox One. I ended up building a PC and investing in a Steam Link and do most of my couch gaming that way. The Xbox One is more of an expensive Netflix machine (and actually, I can do that with the PC too), there’s just nothing on it I

Yeah that’s fair. I guess I was more talking about recurring controversies about the dialogue of trans characters in RPGs in general, piggybacking off of Patricia’s comment on RPG characters getting real personal real quick.

I think, like most things with writing, it depends on the character and situation. I’m a cisdude and clearly don’t speak for all trans people, I couldn’t do that if I was trans. That said, I have definitely met trans and gender non conforming people who told me their gender in the first conversation and talked about