Keep in mind that in 2014 Emma Watson was like 23. I didn’t know a lot of the shit I know now when I was 23 too.
Keep in mind that in 2014 Emma Watson was like 23. I didn’t know a lot of the shit I know now when I was 23 too.
well, I feel safer already
This is almost exactly a month too early
You know, I finally got around to starting a replay of Arkham City the other day and I don’t know how I missed how fucked up the whole conceit is when I first screwed around with it when it came out. There’s this giant open air prison in the middle of the city where pretty much every single one of the inmate’s…
So cool to see all people of color in the banner image! I’m especially glad about the Best Actress thing, didn’t think Hollywood would ever give such a prestigious award to a biracial actress of Asian descent like Emma Stone
Am I the only one who this it’s an interesting scenario that HuffPo published a story about this type of scenario two days ago?
I dunno if it really proves that is what they would have done if Tomei’s name had been read by mistake. It proves that’s what they did tonight and doesn’t really definitively say much about what might have happened in a hypothetical situation 15 years ago. I mean don’t get me wrong, I am pretty sure that the whole…
And a dumb adult
Yes, as with virtually all situations where a person goes on the internet and desperately argues against people making personal medical decisions in consultation with their medical professionals, your opinion is more emotional than rational and should not be taken seriously.
I think you should be careful about accusing others of not having all the facts on this topic
If you don’t trust teenagers to cross the road on their own, you are clearly a crazy person expressing crazy opinions about a subject you have little to no knowledge of.
The Democratic Party and by extension the country is doomed. They’ve been steadily losing ground for two decades and still don’t see any need to change direction.
Because you never know when a brown kid might walk across a lawn on a bus or train. There aren’t always off duty officers around in LA to take care of that stuff
easy D
“I heard a rumor that Muslims are coming back”
Part of the problem is that a lot of what he has done has been actively instigating others to say horrible things and harass people on the internet. Most famously Leslie Jones, for having the audacity to be a black woman who took a part in the Ghostbusters reboot. Jones was bombarded with an absurd level of racist…
Mr. President, serious question:
Where can I get my hands on these drugs that are cheaper than candy bars?
God, Adam Sandler is just terrible
As someone who works with folks with Autism and other developmental disabilities, it’d be real nice if the President would respond to his delusional beliefs by increasing funding for services and supports for folks with developmental disabilities that are being rapidly dismantled by bipartisan state legislatures…
You know, I get that celebrity gossip is business and that it’s part of what Jezebel does, but who the fuck cares? Dolly Parton is a national treasure whose put up with more tabloid shit than pretty much anyone else in history, lets just leave her alone in her old age and just bask in her majesty huh?