
While generally I don’t endorse violence, there’s really nothing more American than punching nazis trying to take over our country in the head. Just ask Steve Rogers

I did nazi your joke coming

I know I am quibbling a bit, but let’s not make a broad generalization here. While it’s probably right in the case, general public sentiment can often be wrong. Lots of folks in history have had to hide their perfectly just actions due to public opinion. Ask anyone who lived through pretty much any decade before the

Manning decided to release to files to WikiLeaks, which worked with news organizations to decimate the damaging information to wider audiences

You understand of course that the terrible things these two people did were happening before the invention of photography right? That there were thousands upon thousands of terrible, violent, sexual crimes and murders before modern pornography was invented. And that millions upon millions of men and women view

Well that sounds terrible. I enjoy the shorter youtube stuff, but nobody wants to sit through half an hour of Conan O’Brien (or his non-union doppleganger or whoever) drooling over Lara Croft’s butt while Brendan Fraser tries desperately to think of something funny to say about a video game.

Ok, so you’re a business owner who has no standards for what content employees can view on company computers? How do you plan to mitigate the danger of a sexual harassment suit? Are you waiting for an overly sensitive employee to complain about the content a coworker is viewing in the workplace, thus forcing your

She’s a celebrity, and on top of that, a woman

Ass Creed: Syndicate

I’m pretty sure what you experienced in Wolfenstein might have been a fairly well known bug. For whatever reason, certain areas despawn all or most of the powerups if you die. When you reload your save, they just vanish. Been driving people crazy forever. I even contacted tech support about it and got one of those

Kids forced to watch their parents raped and killed because they were murderous slave owning monsters

I really appreciate this article Aimee. Thank you.

As I entered my 30s, I started to realize I just don’t want to date or be in anything resembling a relationship anymore. I have good friends, family and a dog I love. I do have an old friend in an open relationship who I text with a lot, get together with a few times

Early 30s here, I’ve realized over the past few years that I don’t particularly want romantic relationships anymore.. Personally, I’m quite happy with my single life. I like doing my own thing, I like the peace and quiet of not having to stress about someone else or share space. I like the loving relationships I have

If this is true, it just makes me think Tom Arnold is kind of a piece of crap

Yeah, depending on what price point they could hit, I’d love a version that could be hung on a wall or something

They are reportedly working on a 2 different secret projects that aren’t Elder Scrolls VI or a Fallout sequel and are “bigger than anything we’ve ever done” which is why Elder Scrolls is a long way off. Additionally, apparently the ideas for VI are very ambitious and Bethesda plans to wait for the tech to develop a

I dunno, this strikes me as not all that different than a CEO telling everyone at the company not to discriminate against people or there would be consequences. This order only applied to employees of the state government, and as the top member of the state’s executive branch (IE, it’s Chief Executive Officer),

Targeted release date for Elder Scrolls VI is 2022 last I heard

I sort of see what you are saying pride isn’t about being proud to be gay. it’s about being proud to be alive, to be thriving, to be happy and to be an active part of the broader community even though there are extremely powerful forces in the world, concentrated in the halls of wealth and power, who don’t want you to

Dear god, please let this anonymous Kinja person be Justin Trudeau