
So, you're thinking Rick Scott as… um… Lex Luthor, I guess?

I suppose Marvel could start making Millie the Model movies. :-)

Pleeeeease let Sony give the FF back to Marvel. The FF are extremely embedded in the Marvel Universe (team-ups and crossovers pretty much all the time).

Joss Whedon can write good stuff, but he decided not to bother to, over a decade back. He's written a startling amount of sexist tripe since season 6 of Buffy, and shows no signs of developing self-awareness.

Methinks the execs at Warner Brothers need to resign en masse. Because, WTF, guys? Are you cryogenically revived corpses from the 1930s or what? The level of sexism involved is bizarre to say the least, and none of them seem to have a clue as to what audiences actually want to watch.