
I didn't originally catch the byline but a couple paragraphs in, there was no way the article could be written by anyone but the incomparable Teti. Fantastic review, as always!

Yeah, second single off the record. I also happen to think it's the best song they ever did. It's the one I use to introduce Soundgarden to people who don't know them.

All this yakkety yakking and nobody even mentions "The Day I Tried to Live." Seems like you'd want to talk about how many great songs are on the record and not just the singles…

WILL you stop sniffing?

Totally, totally agree. In fact I thought the cliffhanger for season 2 would be finding out he was already developing Paige.


Is nobody ever going to address the fact that we have now heard Fauré's Requiem three times so far this season?

The church skit just killed me. Begley played it so perfectly. I especially loved his "They don't have to be," in the discussion about whether you need special needles for acupuncture.

I thought Sharon Stone was terrific in "Casino"

As long as we are grammar nitpicking, Miriam's actual quote was "Neither of us are (sic) free." The stray observation cleaned up the verb subject agreement but got the quote wrong along the way. There, I feel better now…

Jonathan Tucker. Goodness yes

There is so much more to that album than those two songs. It's got "Deeper Understanding" and "Rocket's Tail" on it for crying out loud. Some of her most beautiful work.

John Williams

Brian De Palma/Pino Donaggio
Brian De Palma/Ryuichi Sakomoto
Brian De Palma/Ennio Morricine

This was a damned well written article that made me want to hear the comics under discussion. Success!

"Real World drunk" is officially a thing now.

The "ham in the oven" line is perhaps the hardest I've laughed at any joke in the whole series. I loved the hell out of this episode.

The only place I have seen it is in the actual New Yorker from the time of the movie's release (ironically, the same issue in which she reviewed Good Fellas). I'll see if I can post a scan.

Kael could indeed be dismissive but it was usually when she really felt the material itself was lazy or uninspiring and wanted to make a point of it.

Pauline Kael's complete review of this film at the time it came out: "Steve Martin appears. You laugh at his hair. Then the movie's over."