
Well thanks for the deep and well thought out reply.

Ok I am intrigued. So whatcha got? :)
The first thoughts that come to my mind are the "the screw" but that was designed to be a water pump so it had an intended purpose. His "Claw" and "Fire" (if they really did exist) were both designed to be weapons of war so they had a specific purpose. So you got me. What are you

"I'm happy that the very brilliant nerdy females you have known were happily giving you the blowjobs you seriously must need to convince yourself you are special. But this is not the way it is for everyone."

"I you really did read, you would know that one can disagree with people for many reasons, "

Well if they made your life better that is pretty awesome in and off itself.

How can you be in the tech world an not find Woz the more interesting story?

"They're both interesting,"

Yeah, you did devalue your point and you just devalued it again with your ad hominem attack.

Typical nerd, I can't keep names straight. :( Thanks for the correction.

"Cameron take off shirts A LOT. "

"If you really want to stroke yourself,… "

Depends on what scene you are talking about. Well I can tell you this computer nerd appreciated the initial shirt changing for what it was; An appeal to deeper instincts. I'll take it. With that said yeah Cameron's personality got to be very off putting for me as well tight T shirts or no.

and what that says about you as a manager if you decide to buy IBM based on it. With that said I backed up later and watched that whole scene again. That whole speech was *really* for A16. I thought that 'sales pitch' was a good bit of writing.

I have heard it a lot in the software business AND in politics. e.g. FUD is the goal of negative campaigning.

Yes, characters name is Steve Gordon OR A16 :)

There are places that will dub into onto DVD.

Yeah I know many who bailed on Mad Men after the first season. In this case it is only the second episode

OH! Just as a side note, Donna Clark is just wayyyy to hot to be a chip designer in 1979! :) Mackenzie Davis however makes the perfect nerd girl. Good looking yet awkward. You can see where as a teen eager her self esteem was damaged enough to turn her to science. Brimming with sexuality yet slightly off putting.

Oh it's the wrong thread but I disagree with your assessment of the Mad Men world. I think it was in the pilot that Don explained to the cigarette guys that advertising only lets people feel as though what they already want and do was GOOD. Not the other way around

Funny how perspective changes what you see.
The author is all wrapped up in Joe. (as other non Technical people think Steve Jobs is the interesting part of the Apple story)
Being a fellow nerd Steve's story is far more interesting to me. To lesser degree Cameron's story. At first I was VERY interested in Cameron's