
You can’t tag this article with “the tenth doctor is the best” nonsense and expect anything other than a spittle-laden mulligatawny of insults and threats resulting in an unsatisfying and probably fleeting detente between two mortal enemies. But talk away. Tell me why fucking Tennant wouldn’t use that camp fucking

Dorne. :/

That’s the one. That’s why literally every tenured professor, as well as every student, at Harvard is a bilingual undocumented queer woman of color, and White men are only allowed on the premises as security guards and footstools.

Gary Fisher is following me on Instagram AND I COULDN’T BE HAPPIER

This is about butt stuff right

Babe. Thank you for this.

If this goes through it won’t keep anybody safer, none of the mass shooters we’ve seen in the news were on the watchlist, this legislation wouldn’t have stopped the legal purchase of the weapons used at Pulse or at Sandy Hook.

Lindy West once wrote this about Trump, way back when he was just arguing with Rosie O’Donnell over which was better, The View or Celebrity Apprentice. I cut and pasted it and kept it in a word document on my desktop so I could read it whenever I needed a pick-me-up. I never imagined, based on this description 5-6

Long time reader/first time poster so likely very few to none will see this but I need any input on an “exploring sexuality” issue (does this sound like an afterschool special already?) I’m a late 20s lady in a major east coast city (my savage lovecast intro) and I’ve only dated men and identified as straight in the

Jezzies, gone on three dates with a great guy. He is doing everything right. Yesterday he came over for early dinner (had to go to a work thing later), was his usual sweet self, great time as always, BUT, he still hasn’t kissed me!

Gong to generalize here, but men don’t seem to handle change as well as women. You had a nice relationship at the beginning, then you became financially semi-dependent on him, which probably stressed him out, though he stepped up and did the right thing.

“Your teen needs to know they are safe and loved, regardless of their lifestyle choices or beliefs,”

It’s basically internet Post-It notes, only you can choose whose post-it notes you’ll see.

We’re talking about incumbents here, not newbie coattail riders. Bernie’s been in the Senate for decades. He knows which incumbents are in line with his agenda. He knows which Senators have backed him over the years. He’s never done one tiny bit of fundraising or support for them over those same decades, and everybody

A bird with an extremely prolapsed butthole?

Despite being more to left than Clinton, I’ll vote for her.

It only took 96 years!

I will be happy to hold my nose and vote for this lesser evil. (And I don’t mean that sarcastically. First major female presidential nominee is a pretty dece consolation prize.)

And those women fought so fucking hard for equality between men and women, the right to vote. This one is for them!!!

No matter how you feel about her, 100 years ago American women didn’t even have the right to vote, so this is pretty cool.