“anything remotely black”
“anything remotely black”
“oversized wasp exoskeleton stuffed with old mustard” is your most apt description yet
Poor Paul Ryan... he really was put in a very difficult position.
I'm glad they checked the facts behind this photo! Otherwise they may have taken down a perfectly legitimate image of a bleeding, murdered nude woman.
Damnit, Massachusetts. Led the country in the American Revolution. Led the country in Marriage Equality, now leading the country on Transfolks’ rights. Are you feeling a little smug tonight?
Getting your dick sucked by a willing participant: worthy of impeachment
My thoughts exactly. I absolutely think some people - morally speaking - DESERVE to die for their various horrible offenses (this asshole piece of shit included), but I generally consider capital punishment to be an overstep of state power. Still, I’m not going to lose sleep over this...
He’s a monster. A monster who was probably indoctrinated in racial hatred from a very young age and spent his miserable life surrounded by hateful, horrible people. I don’t say that to excuse the monstrous act he engaged in. Just to say that to raise a child to be so hateful and violent is a form of abuse in itself.…
My objection to the death penalty hinges on three questions:
I don’t think anyone’s been insulted by being called a mick in about 75 years. You wanna see a white man get all pissed by a label? Call him a racist.
I’m also a lawyer. If I am assigned a case/asked to take one by the judge and prosecutor, I am legally obligated to try to give my client a fair defense. I can’t just say “hey, I think he’s a liar.”
I have to keep the system honest. It’s better for 9 guilty people to go free than 1 to lose their life or liberty at the…
I’ll kill anyone who stars or responds to this comment.
Ted Cruz is DEFINITELY not the zodiac killer. He wasn’t even on this planet yet. So can we stop this ridiculousness! Everyone knows getting here from Gorrhruop takes at least a thousand years. And like once he got here he was so busy murdering neighborhood dogs and drinking the blood of ten thousand squirrels that he…
I’m having a shitty day. I was in such a mood that I think I worried my mom this afternoon when I was with her.
I get one almost every day from the Hillary campaign. I’ve yet to even give the $1 “if everybody kicked in.”