I’m not crying. It’s just some weather localized on my face.
I’m not crying. It’s just some weather localized on my face.
i literally burst out laughing
ive been there so many times! send warm regrets and say you just couldn’t make it. and try to forgive yourself for paying attention to your own needs. self punishment just adds to your sadness, anxiety and frustration. take a relaxing bath—with bubbles—you deserve it!
Mr Journo and I are separated right now (same as last week) and I’m figuring out moving and furniture while I feel absolutely horrific... so bad. I miss him so much already, and my family keeps telling me to calm down, move on, be less self indulgent. How?! Also, how do I live on my own? I am an anxious crazy person…
mom n daughter pair of jez commenters?! delightful. i’m biased, but you raised hippiechick right!
WWOOFing (volunteering on an organic farm thru wwoof.org) is also kind of a cool way to spend a few months! It’s not wage earning, but does cover room and board so expenses are fairly minimal beyond ticket/weekend adventures. I spent a month in Iceland that way and it was pretty awesome—working with horses and sheep…
Thanks buddy...!
my husband and I have been in a shit state, he asked for a divorce and I’m moving out while we go to couples therapy and try to figure out when “it’s working” enough to live together again. it has been a super hard few weeks and im just hoping it gets better soon :( we have been together since we were 18/19 and as…
This is via the NY Post, not the NY Times! Adorable :)
My husband went out for brunch and is still not back (it is 8pm my time). He keeps drunk texting me, and I’m kind of annoyed, so I’m getting stoned and plan to live tweet the GOP debate. Also, I woke up at 5pm and had a milkshake for lunch/dinner, so I think I’m overall living my best life.
my cousins friend had a seizure and went to the hospital. ambulance just left happy thanksgiving
They’re pretty good for avoiding leakage, but do NOT use them for your only period protection during heavy flow (tip from dumb, embarrassing at work experience).
This. Is. Fucking. Important.
I’m at best an agnostic, but this is worth prayer. Prayer for clarity of conscience on the part of the justices. Prayer for reproductive freedom. Prayer that our country won’t regress into a state where unsafe, illegal procedures are women’s only choice in controlling their own bodies.
it me
When I was 8 or so, I had a hard time staying still for the ~1 million hours of services on Yom Kippur. So my mom told me to read the notes in English in our Artscroll prayer book — which explained, helpfully and somewhat horrifyingly, what the Yom Kippur services had been like in the ancient Temple, when there was…