
She’s also ignoring how many feminist women came before her who paved the way for women to even just vote. Not to mention, I’m sure she has no clue that the very base she panders to is the same one uncomfortable with women in power, and she’s probably not exempt from that.

This is perfect.

I just was just about to post this. These assholes will go so far to justify how they are exempt from the same things they revile: they fear shootings, but the rest of us don’t get gun protection; they all have health care that we subsidize, but we better not give it to the poor. And their dumbass constituents EAT

I’m stunned too. I grew up in an abusive household and I WISH a parent had the strength to do what she did. I’m not sure why we’re supposed to overlook this because he did it *one* time, especially given all the outrage about Russia’s own “oh, it’s been one time, who cares” policy towards domestic violence. Even women

I’m guessing they fear his rampant and frankly rabid supporters. What fascinates me though is that Trump wants to be loved so hard yet he seems incapable of understanding what qualities would make a leader loved, mostly because his fascist inner-circle is no doubt explaining what the “ideal” leader looks like and he’s

Yes, I agree that this plays a huge part: once dumbasses realized that they had the ACA and that Obamacare wasn’t different, they voiced a desire for it.

Here’s what I just don’t understand: at what point with the GOP rein him in. I understand that he’s the president (barf), but it does seem like high-ranking GOP-ers are at least concerned with his level of dishonesty (McCain particularly). I think the press and most rational people, like the 61% of people who

Ahhhh, the “responsibility” angle makes me furious. Who is the magical person that does have the responsibility? We are all responsible for each other.

First, that is so awful that your son even had to experience that. Second, I agree that Trump supporters who are terrorizing others is terrorism; it’s just that HIS supporters don’t think that way, and I guess that was what I was channeling. So when they say they are voting for him because they fear their safety, all

Me too! And there is so much awfulness coming out that I feel like most are just looking the other way. And why wouldn’t they feel like they can: his decisions won’t affect them, barring paying more money at grocery stores for Mexican produce.

The thing I don’t understand about people’s fears of terrorism is that the likelihood of being affected is negligible. Sure, it happens, and it’s devastating, and when people die it’s a tragedy, but there are real issues that affect our safety, like gun violence, like people having no access to health care, like

So much orange. So, so, so much orange.

I honestly don’t understand how she and other Bernie or Bust people thought Trump was going to be better for WOMEN’S RIGHTS. That’s some deep patriarchal delusion. And if there were a revolution, she’d be able to take a private jet away while the rest of us suffered, so I have to add an eye-roll to that one.

And then just wait until they have to do the back breaking work at the border. In my experience (of living in the south), Trump supporters are the ones with the most cush jobs (that someone they knew got them, even though they were blatantly under-qualified, BUT THEY DESERVED IT).

Honestly, they need a really, really fresh, young face. If Trump has to stand, coughing, sniffling, and sweating next to a younger politician, it’ll be Kennedy/Nixon all over again. Think about how terribly old McCain seemed next to Obama. ETA: Also, too, I can’t help but think younger politicians can speak to more

People are worried about healthcare, putting food on the table...

The evening of the election I was listening to NPR, and they played a sound byte from one of his rallies. He literally told them “all your dreams will come true,” over and oven in the voice of a televangelist. I think most got suckered by that. But when pressured to explain what it is that he will fix, none can

Ah, true. A bloated, bleary, hate-filled asshole would have been great.

I think that the death costume is brilliant. It actually made me gasp: I could tell that SNL had no fucks to give and I appreciated their ability to thoroughly mock them and to point out how disgusting and deadly Bannon is.

Yeah, I’m sure that most of the Trump voting bloc just knows him as a) the guy on the $20 and/or b) that guy who helped take care of the pesky Indian problem. The rest of us know that Jackson’s presidency was an embarrassment, and one that led to the very first financial crisis of the nation (post-Constitution).